I had the thought this afternoon to try and create an organization that could have a couple acres donated to it in order to have a sailing club/marina. Does anyone have any good advice on how to get started with something like this? I have some local contacts I will bounce ideas off of, but wanted your ideas/experiences too.
There are no good places to keep catamarans/kayaks etc. along the water, and my local marina is not ideal for sailing into/out of. It is for local fisherman and is entirely bulkheaded. I have located a piece of land that would work, and it happens to be owned by the single largest land owner in the area. It is also is a low area that would not make a desirable location to develop; thus, I'm looking to create an organization that could approach the land owner about a land donation. The organization would have small annual dues to build and maintain a fence, and probably some fill dirt to start.
Whatcha got?
Hobie Getaway
Prindle 18 - Sold
South Padre Island, TX