Beachcat friendly

almost sounds like an oxymoron.
Mark Twain Lake is a regular stop on my sailing schedule, mostly concrete ramps but it does have a sandy beach area for swimming, have used my beach wheels to launch from there during a weekday when no one was around. Of course the local militia (Parks & Rec Patrol) had to turn up and make sure I was not breaking any laws.
Stockton Lake is more sailing friendly, lots of mono-hulls, but you have to have your wits about you, prevailing SW wind wants to put you on the rock-lined dam wall to the north, talk about being driven on a lee shore
Always wanted to try sail the Missouri River but I would need a motor mounted as that river flows fast and powerful.
Tried out for the job of Harbor Master at Lake Carlyle Sailing Association, made the short list but did not get the job
Have pretty much sailed every pond, pool, eddy, swamp and creek I can get my cat in (legally) except for Pomme De Terre Lake, for some strange reason I keep skipping that one.
I think I need to meet up with Warhovs and give Alton Lake a try, everything around here is 1.5 - 3 hrs drive anyway