Posted: Jun 29, 2017 - 05:07 PM
pretty decent 14' er - med perfromance
has split forestays (one per hull)
i think they are also made a 15 or 16 or 17, can't really recall
One used to sail around here about a decade ago
he had a pole on it that would shift port to stbd after a tack to move the (edit) sail jib over for a more favorable position -
I never sailed near him and my friend would say "i'd rather sail the box that thing came in" but i didn't take it to seriously - probably not so "high performance" even compared to 80's era boats, but will get the job done just fine if high tech and performance are the main objective
"The Trac-14 is an Australian design originally called the SURFCAT, later WINDRUSH, and built under licence in the US by AMF Alcort. "
Edited by MN3 on Jun 29, 2017 - 05:42 PM.