I have a set of factory wings on my Prindle 18

I will add more photos to this album in the next couple of weeks, my P18 is an hour away at the sailing club.
Mario keeps his P18-2 next to my cat. His wife has been hounding him to put wings on his boat after we went out with my wings mounted. I prefer sailing without the wings but put them on when I take 2 or three people out. It does seem to make the space double.
There is a Hobie Gateway a couple of boats down from mine. We took some measurements and the Gateway wings and discovered crossbars are farther apart then his P18-2. It looked like an easy conversion to do. just cut the aluminum seat down and drill some holes in the end caps and cross bars and bolt together. Mario showed his wife the Gateway wings. She said she wanted mesh wings not a hard seat wing. I have not heard any one complain about Gatewings before. My guess is you are moving around enough you do not get sore from sitting on the hard wing. He owns all the equipment to make the wings but does not want to add them to his P18-2. So far he has not made them.
Prindle 18 w/ wings, Prindle 16, Prindle 15, current
Hobie 16 in rebuild
2 Hobie 18 past
NACRA 5.2 past
Saint Cloud, Florida
member Lake Eustis Sail Club