I second Nacra55 on having safety gear on you. For Race to Alaska (R2AK) I found the following worked well in terms of PFD + radio + GPS + PLB (way more gear than what most beach cat sailors need -- we needed max safety gear given the remoteness of the course, night sailing, and cold temperatures):
- Kayak PFD: NRS cVest (about $80-85 from Backcountry.com) with a VHF pocket plus various other pockets.
We put A LOT of safety gear in those pockets, or directly clipped to the pfd, see this picture:
https://www.facebook.com/…12229607/?type=3&theater (which doesn't include miscellaneous items I carried in the pockets, like food bars and sunscreen).
There are other models (kayaking and sailing-specific) out there, but this one was one of the few with so many pockets and a reasonable price, without feeling bulky.
- Radio: Standard Horizon HX870 DSC VHF (just fit in the NRS cVest radio pocket)
For any sailing on a large body of water, I would strongly encourage a DSC-enabled VHF over a non-DSC VHF. While larger in size and with a shorter battery life, a DSC VHF allows sending a distress message and GPS position at the touch of a button. On a smaller lake it's probably easy to find someone by VHF voice instructions alone (e.g. "I'm on Lake X, about y miles east of X location"), but on any larger body of water it quickly gets much harder, particularly if there's a lot of other sailboats around or if you're just a speck floating separate from your boat (see for example this recent incident which Canada Coast-Guard reminded us of before R2AK: two people died after a mayday with a vague position - despite quickly being located by plane and rescued within a few hours:
http://www.nanaimobulleti…t-goes-down-near-tofino/) . Plus the digital message is more likely to go through clearly at long range vs. garbled voice comms, and typically triggers loud, impossible to miss, alarms on receiving VHF units.
The Standard Horizon HX870 and Icom M93D are the most common models of DSC handhelds (I've seen both in person), though I believe there are a few others (including some older Simrad/Lowrance models). I've read about some moisture/fogging up issues in the screen of the HX870 and we noticed this at times on one of our two radios, but the other one was fine, so there may be uneven quality at play... One thing I especially like about the HX870 is that it comes standard with a AAA spare battery tray, so I carry that in a ziplock in my PFD in case my main VHF battery dies -- nice to have a spare. Icom M93D does not have this kind of tray, so you have to buy a more expensive spare lithium battery if you want a spare. The HX870 is a fairly good deal too ($205 at HodgesMarine.com, minus a $40 mfg rebate till end-2017, gets you a DSC VHF for $165...). The M93D is pricier ($290 on Amazon). A waterproof pouch probably extends lifespan, but we didn't use one since a pouch becomes impossible to fit in a PFD's VHF pocket, and reduces usability (we would regularly turn on the radio to listen to weather broadcasts).
- GPS: Garmin GPSMap 78 or 78sc handheld GPS (the 76 works too, somewhat older model), in an Aquapac 288 large waterproof armband case.
Using the Aquapac armband case allowed one of us to always carry the GPS strapped to our forearm, allowing us to quickly glance at the route and note any obstacles or shallows ahead, without having to pull the GPS out of a pocket. This worked nicely -- though not something you would need outside of distance sailing in an unfamiliar area (it does add some bulk on your arms). I will say these Garmin GPS screens are very small -- if you don't need to be looking at your GPS all the time, it's much easier to use Navionics+ on a smartphone in a waterproof case (hanging around your neck, or in your pocket). We did destroy one smartphone while practicing though (impact on screen during capsize, even though the phone was tucked underneath a PFD), so keep in mind that smartphones are always vulnerable on board...
- PLB: OceanSignal RescueMe PLB1
This is the world's smallest PLB, barely the size of a cigarette pack (smaller than the ACR ResqLink+ which you commonly find in the US and is another good PLB choice -- ACR in fact ended up buying OceanSignal). Easily fits into any lifejacket pocket. Costs $240 (Amazon), so it's fairly reasonably priced. A PLB is great to have if you're too far for a DSC VHF to be reliable (I'd count on 5 nautical miles for a VHF at water level -- Coast Guard will likely pick you up from further away with a hill-top beacon, but neighboring boats may not hear you past even 2-3nm, depending on their antenna height).
Note that with a PLB the likely rescue response time goes up a lot vs. a VHF -- it can take 1-2 hours just for authorities to confirm a "Mayday" from a PLB (see Rambler 100 capsize:
https://www.practical-sai…rambler_100_10788-1.html). So a PLB only makes sense if you can wait a while for rescue. Also, a PLB needs to be properly registered to maximize effectiveness - an unclear registration or one with no boat particulars is not much help (Rambler 100 is a good example of poor registration).
(I'm non-affiliated with any of these products/retailers, just a big believer in them).
Edited by southstars2012 on Sep 05, 2017 - 03:27 AM.
Nacra Inter 20 (sold)
2017 Race to Alaska "Team Ketch me if u can"
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamKetch/
- Race video highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTWp4DP0VcA
Sausalito CA