Irma Damage at Islander Watersports, Islamorada

A lot of you know Dennis Green of Islander Watersports located at the Islander Resort, (A Guy Harvey Outpost) in Islamorada.

This has been the start of many catamaran races including the Tybee 500 and Florida 300 as well as many others like the A-Class events.

Starting to get info, the Keys are a mess of course but the worse damage was in the middle and lower keys.

Not sure why these pictures aren't embedding, but the links work. The Islander Watersports rental shack is completely gone, the beautiful white crushed stone/sand grounds are plowed up and most of the hotel units were water damaged. Islamorada overall faired OK compared to the lower keys and is starting to get power and cleared roads.

The real recovery has to wait for insurance adjusters to get in a access claims. In the third picture Dennis is standing where the rental shop was located.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

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