Shroud anchors

If I wanted to reinforce my shroud anchors would it make more sense to wrap glass from top of deck, under deck lip and then wrap a few inches onto hull sides where the anchor bar sits, or I could have some stainless hardware made similar to the upgrade people do to the Hobie 18 which will put some of the stress on the hulls instead of deck lip. Own both a Hobie 16 and a Gcat 5.7, thinking about doing it to both even though decks show no signs of failure. Boats are older and I push them pretty hard
I’d go with the H18 style option. On a Hobie 16, you could just weld a flat plate to the bottom of the shroud anchor bar so it sits flush against the hull sidewall. Then pop a couple holes in the plate and through the hull sidewall for 1/4” bolts and thru-bolt the plate to the hull. You might want to also throw a couple layers of glass mat inside the hull to beef up the sidewall where the bolts go through to help spread out the load.
