There was a craigslist ad for a hobie 16 with no trailer the owner just wanted hauled off. I figured I could get enough odds and ends to make it worth hauling of the spongy hulls. It had galvanized eye bolts and washers instead of anchor bolts and pins, a mop handle hiking stick. One of the shrouds was coated galvanized wire that I think is used for dog tethers. Lots of misc Home Depot pulleys for the jib system. I think the only thing I kept was the mast step hinge/pin. I’m a big advocate for whatever gets you on the water, but even this was too much of a risk, even for lake sailing
I helped someone rig last weekend and they had those 2" home depot cast blocks on the jib.…-Pack-321586-0/203810459
I warned them that they could kill them and to buy something else. But hey...they did not have life jacket either.
Exactly. We were offshore and during a capsize caused enough damage to force us to drop the main. The boat was too slow under jib, so we hooked the trap to the mainsheet and tightened it up so we could hoist the kite.