All the pictures are stock factory photos-I would be weary.
They are solid F16's, especially fast downwind as they are light, when converted to a spinnaker of course. There is some factory support from Goodall Design but not a ton. Finding used rudders/daggers would be tough for example.
If you are looking for a bomb around boat, its a good choice but as they are light one must treat the hulls like A-Class hulls (they were originally derived from Boyer Mk. IV hulls IIRC). They will support more volume and take bigger waves.
If looking for a competitive F16, probably best to focus on a Falcon, Viper or late gen Nacra F16.
Absolutely agree with Sam. Great one design cat and deservedly popular in Australia where there are lots of 4.9s. In the US it's kind of a rare boat, although a great one, but if you're racing one design and put a spin on it, it's an older F-16.
"If you are looking for a bomb around boat, its a good choice but as they are light one must treat the hulls like A-Class hulls....."
No, do not agree with this comment. The "A" class boats weigh in at 165# and it is 18.3 ft. long. When you consider how thick those are hulls compared to a 16ft. Taipan at 231 pounds - its a world of difference. One fellow sailor referred to the "A" class as being tissue. If further validation is needed, call Goodall Design in Australia and get it from the source.
I just noticed that post was 15 years ago --- no one cares, its old news, one way or the other. Next time I will check the date on a post before I chide in.