Posted: Mar 21, 2020 - 06:21 PM
I just replaced my trailer rear cradles with rollers, so I have a couple cradles that I could use on the beachwheels. But I'm not sure if it's really worth it, what would be the big advantage? My boat is a Nacra 5.5, rounded bottom. One concern is that it might be harder to push the wheels under the boat, especially on the ground. When I do it solo I normally pull from one side and then from the other a couple times, the axle is diagonal between these movements, whith the cradles that would limited and I'd have to push from the center, maybe raise the boat from the bridle, I don't do it this way typically. Maybe the cradles slide less on the hull and it's easier to push the wheels from the center. Anyways, is it really worth it?