It looks like my pulley is plastic. I was able to get it to turn using the tip of a file and prying against the pulley cover. Mostly it was good except for one spot, which got better as I worked it.
It doesn't seem like the assembly is designed to be taken apart easily. There is a stainless-looking tube which is flared into the pulley housing at both sides. I assume to remove it that has to be drilled out, and then another one set in place. What tools are used to flare the ends?
It seems like replacing the pulley itself would be a good off-season maintenance item. It looks old and a lot of the plastic parts don't hold up well with age.
Bryan in Poplar Grove, IL
Supercat 17, unknown year. Future project
Hobie 16, 1977 - died a spectacular death
Hobie 16, 1978 - current boat