Posted: Sep 30, 2022 - 11:37 PM
I ask because I know I can buy the forestay pigtails with the ring for the zippered-luff jib and rope halyard, but I don't see another arrangement for sale.
Is the wire halyard run over the sheave of a large block, with the wire shackled to the jib on one end, and with rope portion of the halyard run through the smaller block on the other end of the wire halyard, tensioned at the base of the mast, or is there some other arrangement? The Hobies that are similar have a small tang mounted about 18" below the mast tang to guide the halyard line close to the mast - something my mast doesn't have.
The old gear on my boat looks like a short pigtail on one side of a block, and the forestay on the other end of the same block, and the wire halyard run across the sheave of that block. I am not sure where the halyard would have been tensioned with this arrangement either.