Posted: Aug 04, 2008 - 04:23 PM
I sail at 2001 Escape Playcat. So far, I've sailed it solo and with my wife. It sails very well either way, but you can really get some speed solo. I recommend it for solo use as it only has the one mainsail. It is extremely easy. My total sailing education includes a five minute crash course on sailing a cat in the Bahamas and reading about sailing principles online. With this little experience, I'm already able to get it up to high speeds.
The only downfall is that you need to have two people (on any cat really, unless you have mast-raising system) to raise the mast.
I also sailed a Hobie Wave in the Bahamas, and I'd highly recommend that for solo use as well. They go for about $4500.00 new, but are extremely difficult to find used. You may have better luck if you wait until the end of the season.
Overall, if you're looking for value and solo capabilities, I think most people would recommend the Hobie 16. While it does have a jib, adding a bit more complexity but more speed, you can pick up a used one pretty cheap.
There's my two cents. Overall, I like the Wave/Playcat due to the one sail and polyethelene hulls.
edited by: c9reeves, Aug 04, 2008 - 04:26 PM