Repairing beach catamaram

not truly "difficult", but time consuming and messy. Definitely possible. You should be getting that boat real cheap and the rest of it there. Sails generally need to be in decent shape, etc. otherwise you can be into a real project and possible money pit, relatively speaking. These projects CAN be done on a budget if you have the time to spend. What do you expect and want out of the boat? Which Mystere is it?

Chuck C
NACRA 500 Mk2
Hobie 21se (sold)
I don't know how severe the hull penetrations are on the Mystere, but a couple years ago I had storm damage in the stb hull on my Nacra 5.7. I was able to access the damage through the top port and the repair involved removing the broken damaged glass, then re-glassing, grinding, fairing and finishing. Came out great and took about 3-days allowing for various layers to cure. The final repair is invisible.

NACRA 5.7 (1984 Sail 181)
depending on where the holes are...
are they near the dagarboard wells? if so - yes this could complicate things

are you looking for a sea-worthy boat or a boat project because unless you are a glass/epoxy/gelcoat/fairing wiz ... it is a good amount of work