IYE catalog?

International Yacht Equipment. English. Out of business.

Has anyone - or has anyone ever seen - one of their catalogs? I keep winding up with boats made from their parts (Tornado, Unicorn) and I've never been able to find any information on them. If anyone has one - even an ancient one - can we get it scanned?

Southern Alberta and all over the damn place.
1981 SuperCat 20 "Roberts' Rockets"
1983 SuperCat 19
TriFoiler #23 "Unfair Advantage"
Mystere 17
Unicorn A-Class (probably made by Trowbridge) that I couldn't resist rescuing at auction.
H18 & Zygal (classic) Tornado - stolen and destroyed - very unpleasant story.
Invitation and Mistral and Sunflower and windsurfers w/ Harken hydrofoils and god knows what else...