I'm using the Garmin Etrex Legend, there are a lot of Etrex models, so shop around. These models are small and reasonably water proof, although I had one die on me almost as soon as it got wet, it was replaced by Garmin.
These used to be well over $225 but now you can get the Legend models for under $200.
Keep in mind that with GPS, the price of the hardware is just the beginning. The frustrating thing is that these units are nearly useless as they are sold. You have to add map software which can cost as much as the GPS to actually use them to find your way.
I say useless, but they can act as speedometers, and you can record your tracks as you sail, but without good maps to lay the tracks on...
Also I should mention that the screen on the Etrex models is pretty small, I make out details on maps without reading glasses, which means I need to find some sunglasses with readers built in. Sucks to get old.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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