I personally have an H14T and a Nacra 6.0. I LOVE the H14t for my solo sail days where I'm totally alone and need no help to rig and sail...It's sailing at it's simpliest and finest on some days. The Nacra 6.0 is the boat I use when I have sailing buddies(crew of 2-4) that like to scream down a line and just go for it in a team effort. Having these two boats is having my cake and knowing my cake is faster than your cake
I subscribe to the 80/20 rule. What is it that your boat will be doing 80% of the time? That is the mold it needs to fit into....OR GET 2 Moulds. If I were to pick one boat to do the job, it would be the Nacra 5.0, but I would surely miss the fun of the H14T.