Hobie cat 18 help

I just purchased a hobie cat 18. I have sailed numerous boats before but never a catamaran. what a difference.... this boat really moves. i have a few questions about the main sheet and the traveler. on the setup i have there is three blocks on the boom and one on the traveler. the block on the traveler has a cleat and there is also a rotating cleat in the center of the stern. why is there two cleats and how should i rig the line through all these blocks. also the traveler doesn't seem to travel.... what can i do about this? The boat also came with a motor mount in the stern of the boat. it seems pretty heavy duty but would it be stupid of me to put a 3 hp motor on the back of should i go with an electric one? If i go with an electric one I wouldn't know where to store the battery.... thanks for the help

I bought mine two weeks ago and went through the same process. A picture made it clear.

The first picture is incorrect.. they missed the travler. the second picture is correct (Scroll down)
ok thanks a lot. what do you all think about the motor issue?
i have no first hand exp with motors on cats.

I think if you sail with small kids... or in a channel they are a decent idea.... i know a guy who uses an electric on his front beam when he goes from the boat ramp to the island he camps on (he has to pull out of a public boat ramp area so it makes sense). He carries an unbelievable amount of gear (see pic)

HE stores his 2 volt dry cells IN his hulls but he has customized the heck out of his H21


wow that is alot of gear! what does he use in the front for gear? ive been trying to find like a cargo net or some sort of tramp for the front of the boat, with no success.
Beer holders on the shrouds are a MUST... probably the first thing to go on......LOL icon_biggrin

~ Vietnam Vet 69-71~ 17 Hobie w/big jib, ~18 Hobie mag,~DN Ice sailor,
and other toys.......
~~ I live in NY state on the north shore of Oneida lake in
Bernhards Bay. ~~~~~~
Ecker786 what does he use in the front for gear?

He has a custom front tramp. Many of the guys i sail with do (as do i...pic below). They usually require some serious modifications (eyestraps in the beam, bows, custom front beam, etc). not to mention the cost of the material and a shop to make it.


edited by: andrewscott, Apr 21, 2009 - 04:58 PM
Ecker786ok thanks a lot. what do you all think about the motor issue?

If you've got the Cheata motor mount it can handle the smallest gas outboards, 2-3 horsepower. But unless you launch from a place like a large marina that makes it impossible to sail out, then the motor is just another hassle you don't need.

Another problem with using an outboard if you don't need it is the extra weight in a bad spot. On a Hobie 18 you need to keep your weight as far forward as possible to lift the sterns out of the water. The only time you move back is when sailing extremely fast downwind.

Those cheata mounts are expensive, so you can probably sell it in the parts classifieds if you don't need it.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

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Yeah i have the cheata. ill probably just take it off unless i go out on a overnighter then ill throw the 3 horse on. Got a new question for y'all.....

So i took my HC 18 out today and noticed that when you put pressure on the top of the pontoons the fiberglass gives and in some spots it makes a crackling noise. does this mean my fiberglass is going bad? if so what can I do to fix that problem or prevent it from getting worse? (there are no surface cracks and it seems like it is strong, it just makes that noise when it gives).

that is delamination. your foam board is separating from the layers of glass. usually a bad sign. sometimes it can be treated with injecting resin into it. this should be done by a pro... or someone with experience.

Since you have no profile.. nor location... we can't recommend anyone to you
Im in del rio, Tx and id like to get that taken care of right away. If anyone can recommend someone i would appreciate it.
I just got my H18 not long ago and it had some delam in a few places on the deck and I did quite a bit of research and found the Get-Rot system the best. I injected just like Hobie says and now I can walk up and down my decks without a bit of movement in them. You can do it yourself if you don't want to go through the expense of someone else doing it.
