Delaminating Starboard Hull

I was washing my '77 Nacra 5.2 this past weekend and I pulled a stupid. I gave my starboard hull a squeeze (with my hand) and I could feel the insides crunching.
What is the best way to fix this.
I have heard of the 2 part foam from West Marine. It is supposed to pour in and expand and form dense foam in troubled areas, plus add more bouyancy to the hull.
Is there another way?
Please assist with any advisory comments. I am not ready to put her in the grave anytime soon.
In Christ

George icon_confused
Is it the deck that that is soft, or the side of the hull?

I thought that older Nacra 5.2's were solid glass.

If you are dealing with a foam core delamination problem, there is a tried and true way to fix. This article was first published in a 1998 issue of "On The Wire", very nice outline of the repair.
Deck Delamination Repair Article
The basic repair is like this Hobie tech tip.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

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Check the TCDYC website, I replied there and might be able to help.