There is a 5.2 Nacra for sale in my area.
I will be sailing on a inland lake about 2 miles from where I live and there are many other lakes here in Missouri as well as Kansas. Also a big lake down in Oklahoma
I will be sailing solo most of the time, but like to get my son and grandsons involved.
I tried to upload a picture of this boat I want to buy, but couldn't do it[/quote]
now you're talking!
but i'm biased
according to this
the 18-2 is a bit heavier than the 5.2 with more sail area
which is what you would expect for an 18' boat as compared to a 17' boat
the swing up centerboards are easier for solo sailing but the daggers on the 5.2 are better for pointing and in small lakes pointing ability is very useful
but they are pretty close
all else being equal check them both out and buy the best condition one. the 5.2 was made from 1975 to about 1987? later is better, hull numbers starting with NAC.....new foam style with better rig than the older TRRC....boats
best to get the seller to show you how to rig the boat ad maybe try for a few lessons from them if possible
<!-- editby --><em>edited by: erice, Feb 07, 2010 - 03:41 AM</em><!-- end editby --> [/quote]
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