I don't think we have enough of any one type to do a class race. There's probably more H16's here than anything else, but I don't want an H16. I'd like newer style hulls, and the ability to point higher as well as go downwind.
I like the H18, but it doesn't have much power in light air or downwind. I like to go fast, but dial it back when my wife is with me.
I've repaired the leaks, replaced rigging, and it sails well with a good breeze. New sails would be nice.
I don't need a formula boat, but that's what gives me the features I am looking for.
I understand that having a spin adds more complexity, but I think I can leave it off if I don't want to use it.
I do want to beat that J80 next time though.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who's participated on this thread. The input so far has been excellent.Edited by ropewalker on Jan 07, 2018 - 09:31 PM. [/quote]
On most modern boats-the F16 and F18 for example, you can't leave the spinnaker pole off because it also supports the sheeting for the self tacking jib (something stock older Mysteres don't have, and make single handing much easier). So your option is to leave the spinnaker in the bag, or you can leave it on the beach which saves connecting the sheets and halyards.
My experience is, for the average sailor, a spinnaker boat is best kept mast up at a local club unless you get hooked into the regatta circuit. Otherwise, spending 2 hours rigging from scratch everytime you go sailing is no fun. I can do it in 1hr, but there is always something to tweak/tune/adjust and people to chat with, 2 hours is what it really takes.
The uni-rig F16's have pretty well been proven slower than their sloop rigged counterparts. I can't explain exactly why but I think the rigs, rig placement and sail design on the F16's are all sorted for sailing with the jib. No matter, you can sail with or without, just leave the pole attached. Singlehanding with the spinnaker is a lot of fun btw.<!-- editby --><em>Edited by samc99us on Jan 08, 2018 - 01:08 PM.</em><!-- end editby --> [/quote]