Well done redsail, now you know what it's like. There will be days when you drag yourself home every muscle aching from a day of awesome sailing, totally wiped and you can't wait for the next sail.
There will also be days of pure terror and you wonder why you ever got into catsailing. Take this past Saturday for example, I get to the lake, wind is shrieking 25-35 mph, well I just drove over an hr to get to the lake so I'm going sailing, I take my time rigging the boat, adjust the tension on my cam rudders and put the boat into the water in this protected little cove. I drift out gently, come around the protecting bluff and ...WHAM, wind hits, I was expecting it but when the wind hit my traveler blew way over, I had the mainsail out but because the traveler was way over, I had to broadreach, almost at right angle to the wind, the waves were almost 3 ft high and every time a wave hit the boat, I thought I was going over, I'm hooked into the footstrap and laying out, I can't get the traveler adjusted to get closehauled, absolute terror, I s**t my baggies, and hope to make the other side of the lake. Where I launch from, the mainroad runs over the lake on a causeway, I'm upwind and if I go over there is no way I'm going to bring the boay back up, not by myself and not in those winds, I would just drift down onto those d**n rocks.

I made the other side safely, tacked, adjusted the traveler, and headed back to the safety of the sheltered cove, beached the cat and just sat on the bank my legs were shaking so bad.
But hey, that was Saturday, know better now, wont do that again in a hurry, can't wait for my next sail.
edited by: turbohobo, Jun 09, 2009 - 02:47 PM
G-Cat 5.0