Over the winter my garage collapsed due to snow load and beat up my Nacra 5.2 pretty good. Trailer got bent, fixable. Hull damage, fixable. But the one I am stumped on is the mast. Got bent in a couple of places. Nothing like being crimped over but obviously not usable. I got no idea on repairing one or purchasing another mast. I have seen masts for sale, but I would have to be changing out certain parts. Anyone out there ever undergone such an operation?
I have a few pics but for the life of me I can't figure out how to upload them.
edited by: PaulMiddlemore, Jun 05, 2009 - 02:55 PM
Bent Mast
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- Rank: Lubber
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How bad is the mast bent and where is it bent(any pics)? my mast is bent a little in a couple of places and still works fine. -
- Rank: Lubber
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I got a couple of photos but I can't figure out how to upload them. Help me there? -
- Rank: Master Chief
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sometimes you can "Sleve" a mast by smooshing an peice of another extrusion down into the bent mast (slide.. hammer... yell.. whatever it takes to get it in there) -
- Rank: Lubber
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Trying to figure out how to add photos.
Oh the sleeve idea, you are speaking of putting something inside the mast to force in back into place? Even if I was able to force it back into shape, won't that spot be weaken?
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yes... and yes... and yes
my friends g-cat took a tumble down the beach one day.. and parked itself on a bench. his mast was very beat up. He took little sections of another mast and slid them down inside the mast to re-enforce (and push out) the damaged areas.
Yes the mast was a little heaver and possibly a little weaker having been damaged.. (perhaps actually stronger with this new section inside the mast)
The mast stood up to some heavy air, big waves and seems to be just fine. -
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I took apart an old Edel savage cat mast that had also tumbled down the beach and inserted about 4 feet of sunfish mast section at the joint, with a "hat section" pop-riveted (in order to fill the oval shape) onto the sunfish section - it extended into the Edel mast about 24" each way and straightened it right out. The sail was even easier to raise and lower after the straightening. It survived allot of abuse and never seemed worse for wear. -
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was a guy on catsailor and sailing anarchy called gree2056 who bought a 5.2 with busted hulls
he was selling some of the parts on this site not so long ago
he was in norman.OK
also a guy in norfolk.VA, parting out a nacra 5.7 in the parts classifieds here, mast $350, i imagine you could shorten that easily...
edited by: erice, Jun 09, 2009 - 02:50 AM
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