Just bought a new 16ft 1988 hobbie from the lake I have a cottage on. Brand new sail and tarp. just have some qestions which I would love some insight on!
1. How should I store the boat in the summer
2. How should I store the boat in the winter
3. What are some of the things I should do before taking it out for the first time?
4. Anything else you feel I should know, being that this is my first cat!?
Thanks Greg
Questions about new 16ft hobbie
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Aug 06, 2009
- Last visit: Aug 06, 2009
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- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Apr 24, 2005
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What part of the country do you live in? Do you get snow at the late? If you can store it in the summer with the mast up that makes using it the easiest. Just have to raise the sails and push into the water (store the sails inside out of the sun). For winter you should take the mast down for sure. If you get snow fall you should probably take the trampoline off as well due to weight issues. Not a bad idea to take it off anyways so it does not get extra sun exposure.
I would recommend replacing all the cables holding the mast up, definitely don't want one of them to break and you don't know how old they are. Also make sure the hulls are solid, no soft spots in front of where the trampoline connects to the hulls for example. I would recommend the first sail be in light wind and fairly short, go back to shore and check for water in the hulls.
Last but not least, have fun with your new boat. H16's are great first boats and you should have a blast on it. Remember to take it out in conditions you are very comfortable in, the last thing you want for you and your crew is bad memories of the first few sails.
‘92 H18 w/SX wings
‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
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- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Aug 06, 2009
- Last visit: Aug 06, 2009
- Posts: 4
Those are great tips! thanks alot I have done a full check of the boat and its in great shape. has a new sail whcih is one year old and a brand new tramp. I live up in Ontario Canada so the winters are pretty harsh, do you feel i should store it inside or would it be ok outside?
realy exited for the first sail should be able to head up in the next cupple of weeks for it. do you know a good company to buy a harness off of!?
thanks again for the tips
cheers -
- Rank: Master Chief
- Registered: Jun 20, 2006
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congrats.. enjoy
Store it inside if you can (in the winter).. water freezing in equipment can be bad (casuse blow outs).
the less exposure to UV the better... cover with a tarp when not in use (make sure its snug) esp on your tramp/lines. Hulls too..
Make sure your sails are dry before rolling and storing .. otherwise they can mildew (same with lines, clothing, etc).
If i were you.. i would try to meet up other local h16 sailors.. you will learn more from a sail with them than you can learn from a book or site. -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Apr 24, 2005
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If you have a place to store it inside I would do it. But I don't pay for indoor winter storage, once you take all the fabric off is is just fiberglass and aluminum and they do fine in the cold as long as the hulls are dry. I know someone who left their boat on a trailer with the tramp on and had the weight of the snow cave in the bottom of the hull and pushed the trailer roller up into the hull.
You can check Murrays for a harness, that is where I got mine. I think it is the half race harness from them that I use.
Also make sure the rudder operate properly, they should kick up without to much effort and also lock down when you are sailing.
‘92 H18 w/SX wings
‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
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- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Aug 06, 2009
- Last visit: Aug 06, 2009
- Posts: 4
thanks gentelmen! great tips! the guy who i bought it off its taken me out the next weekend im up there i think he has a h20. hes going to give me a bunch of tips which should be quite helpfull.
The hulls dont have any leaks so im hoping the outside storge will work i might build a little shelter for it!
looking forward to getting into the sport. im currently taking sport business management and work right down the hall from sailing ontario. seems like a great seen to be envolved in!
thanks again -
- Rank: Master Chief
- Registered: Jun 20, 2006
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TIP: bring a pen/paper, camera, video recorder, there is so much to learn,.. you can't possibly remember everything..
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Aug 06, 2009
- Last visit: Aug 06, 2009
- Posts: 4
sounds like a plan! he says he'd be willing to take me out a cupple times. I got the boat for $1000 i figured it was a pretty good deal. his cottage is like 10 down from mine.
thanks for the tip -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Jul 07, 2009
- Last visit: Sep 06, 2009
- Posts: 4
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