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Weight for Nacra 5.0  Bottom

  • I'm new to my nacra, and the last sailing day of the season for MI looks to be wed. 63 degrees and projected 12mph winds.

    Here's my question, my buddy really wants to come with me. Now I'm around 200 lbs, so not a lightweight at all, and he's 6'4 around 275. That puts us around 475lbs of crew weight! icon_eek

    Is this a bad idea with 12mph winds? I wouldn't think so, I think for a leisurely trip it should be fine, but after pitchpoling a few weeks ago in 25mph winds with 400 lbs of crew, I'm curious.
  • 12 is not to much air but that is defenatly alot of weight (probably more than that boat is designed for).

    12mph isn't all that big but every 7mph (or close) is a 10x increase of stress on your rig...

    I am fairly certain your cat can handle the weight, but if you have stress cracks, or gear that is ready to fail.. it could be the "straw that breaks the nacra's back".

    Again, you should be ok.. just make sure to have emergancy gear ready (pfd's, cel phone, paddles, rum, cute nurses.. etc.) perhaps stay closer to shore than normal?
  • This is a fairly small lake, we shouldn't have much of a problem getting back to shore.

    Maybe I should trade him in for a lighter model friend, thats a decent idea. ;) (that cute nurse may work)
  • Go for it. I've sailed my Hobie 18 with much more than 500 pounds a lot of times, that's just with two on board. I've also surf launched with 4 adults on board (the wings help with room) total est weight +600.

    You won't win any races, but that boat is plenty strong, you just will sit a little low in the water. In 12 mph wind you'll need to balance the weight, put your crew on the leward side. Dragging the crew through the water is a lot of fun. (for the skipper)

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • Yeah, you should be fine. You may drag a bit in low winds, especially down wind but the floatation in that boat is more than adequate.

    You could break a shroud if it were blowing 20+ knots and your crew was trapezing and one of the shrouds was frayed, but otherwise its really unlikely provided your rigging is in good repair..


    Dave Bonin
    1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
    1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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