Rigging an old Hobie 16
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Oct 24, 2009
- Last visit: Oct 27, 2009
- Posts: 2
Hi all, I'm a diplomat posted to Sierra Leone and have inherited a hobie from the guy I replaced. It seems in good condition and although the previous owner said he'd teach me everything about it, he got another job and left without imparting his wisdom to me! I can sail dinghies and had a private lesson in the UK which was should've been on a H16 but was on a 15 instead so bore only passing resmblance to mine. Through the interweb and books I can rig the mainsail but am struggling with the set up for the jib. can anyone check my photos and give me some pointers please, oh and it's also my first time submitting a postbear with me,thanks so[im
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: May 08, 2009
- Last visit: Jun 11, 2010
- Posts: 46
Ok so no images came through, but I will try to describe it as best I can. I just sold my H16, so I cant go out and take pics for you.
On the opposite side of the mast there should be the jib halyard, that goes from a block attached to the mast, about a foot up from the bottom to the block up the mast where all the shrouds connect. If not, stop here, and send some pics.
The jib should have a metal wire running through the luff (front) side of the jib. There should be loop on both ends of the wire to attach shackles to. On the other corner of the jib, there is the clew (a plate with about 5 holes in it). These are the three attachment points for the jib.
First attach a shackle to the head (top) of the jib, to the jib halyard. There should be a little plastic thingy, just below the head of the jib that will twist around the forestay. If not dont worry about it. Next attach the other end of the jib wire to where the forestay and bridle wires connect, with a shackle. I usually use the top hole on the adjuster. Now raise the jib up. When the jib is almost all the way up there should be a block attached to the halyard. Pass the tail (end) of the jib halyard back through the block. This will give you extra leverage for whats next. After you have looped the tail of the halyard through pull extra hard, to load the weight of the mast up on the jib, and off the forestay. Pull till the shrouds are tight. Cleat off.
Attach the jib blocks to the clew of the jib (I usually use the middle hole).
Basically your ready to go.
There is an alternative jib set up call the Aussie (something or other). If you have that set up someone else will have to give directions on that. And I am sure that someone on this have comments on this, but it should be pretty close.
Have fun.
If you want to email me the pics, I can take a look at them. mike@mcanfield.com
edited by: H16-71388, Oct 27, 2009 - 08:39 AM -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Oct 24, 2009
- Last visit: Oct 27, 2009
- Posts: 2
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Did you get the e-mails with attachments that I sent you? check your spam folder if not.
Turbo -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Jul 20, 2011
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- Posts: 1
RIGGING AN OLDER H16? This video from HobieUSA youtube channel is old (90's) but a gooder
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxctIJVOAd0 -
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