Hey Everyone,
I'm starting to plan for next year. Looking at replacing all the old wire rigging on my Nacra 5.2 as well as some lines and sheets. I'm looking at moving up to dyneema and vectran blends and am wondering: what are the best places to get rigging and line, on-line? I don't have a really good local source for high tech line or machine swaged rigging so I am forced to go on-line for it. So far I've had really good success with Murray's marine but they don't carry all the line I am interested in and I have heard of some sizing screw ups on rigging (but that is just heresay, I'm sure they have it down pretty good 99% of the time).
Does anyone have any advice for good resources and particularly good service/products?
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Best On-Line Sources for Line and Rigging
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Good question Dave,
Two sources I recommend are Layline and APS. Both companies do an excellent job. Currently, Layline is "on vacation" but I have been very happy with them. If you need something now you should get with APS. Murrays is good for alot of things (especially factory parts), but I would not use them for my standing rigging.
Welcome to the world of HMPE. Your going to love this stuff . . .
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I have gotten great deals on rope from Milwaukee Rigging. http://stores.ebay.com/Milwaukee-Rigging
I am probably taking all my standing rigging to West Marine, unless someone provides better direction.
It seems a lot of online dealers are selling only covered standing rigging, and I have been led to believe uncovered stainless has a longer life, since it can "breathe". I suppose this could be a myth, and again direction would be appreciated. -
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How is APS for figuring out standing rigging lengths? They certainly have all the products I want, including the right size of sta/master turnbuckles I want for my shrouds.
It says they do stock sizes for standing rigging for various boats. I am upgrading to a roller furling jib and the stock forstay will have to be shortened to accomodate the rigging (I have no idea how to figure out the reduced length without all the parts in front of me to measure). I also don't have the rest of my rigging in close proximity to measure (stupid me).
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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I have no local place for line as well, so I've bought tons online.
I use APS' and hallspars' end of spools for line, they both have tons.
I used saltydogmarine's ebay store for new shrouds for my 5.2 and the P18 (although I don't own it anymore), and I couldn't be happier with them. The bing cashback doesn't hurt either. =)
I've gotta replace my jib halyard, and I'm thinking of dropping the wire. It seems totally unnecessary to me.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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I ordered all my running rigging from salty dog, it was all good, and a great price. I would say the jib and main sheets were similar to sta-set, while the trampoline ropes, halyards, etc...all varied in stretch/diameter based on the job. I was missing one line in my original order and they took care to make it right.
I did not go with them for standing rigging, although thier prices were good, due to the covering issues mentioned above. They said they would strip the coating upon request.
edited by: kgatesman, Nov 14, 2009 - 06:16 PM -
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The rigging I got from salty dog is covered. I'd also read that it is common that covered rigging rusts at the edges of the covers, but I chose to go with it anyway.
We had a shroud break, and it snapped dead in the center, and was covered, and was also extremely old, so I figured whatever inherent weakness covered shrouds might have most likely wouldn't show its head while I have this boat or before I destroy the boat in some other way anyway.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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Anything bad I have heard about covered rigging had to deal will salt water. Fortunately the closest salt water to me is around 4 days drive (if I push it really hard). I think I'm going to go with covered wire just because of the ouch factor and replace the rigging every 2-5 years depending on how much I'm sailing. The standing rigging I have is at least 10+ years old (if not original) and it looks OK.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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I expect uncovered stainless rigging to last a lot, lot, longer than 2-5 years, and can't believe cat sailors change it so frequently. Why?
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This subject has been gone over before so I think this bears repeating. I would advise against using factory made wires for most boats. Most manufactures use cheap SS wire rope from lesw than ideal Asian sources. If you can get them made locally using Mil/Aerospace spec wire made in the US or EU with genuine Mil/Aerospace forks, thimbles, it won't cost any more than the factory parts. When doing this make sure or demand that all thimbles, forks etc are packed with 3M 5200 or Lifecaulk before swaging. Doing this will insure that water will not intrude into your rigging and eat away at it. I never use coated wire any more because it makes the rigging uninspectable and that means uninspected and we all know that you should check or inspect your rigging before every sail. I have a nacra 6.0 and all my rigging was about $75 less using a local rigging company. -
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H.F. Thanks! I do remember you posting this advice before, and sure appreciated you doing it again. I have sent out emails to a couple local rigging companies trying to find out what they use and if the seal the swages. -
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i like to support JSI (newjsi.com) they are great guys and my friend is a welder there.
I hear layline is back "open" with new managment (actually the original owner is back in charge, so he says).
they were great to deal with when Mike Kratz was there.. i am sure they still will be.
I dont use covered cables, cant see broken strands.
i change out my cables every few years.. prefer to spend $25 year than de-mast and get the "tow of shame"...
My last de-masting was a month ago, my girl hoped on the wire and the ring above my furler popped (no she isn't fat).. it had elongated and i didnt change it out ($3 part).
HM line has its pros and cons.. if you tie a know you lose 1/2 its strengh... it wont cleat (without a jacket) and it stretches (creeps) at first. its use is limited due to these factors, but i do love it when i can use it. I use dynema blends for my sheets.