I sailed an 81 Hobie 18 for 10 years and did several small upgrades to it. The 1981 boats are very well built, not the lightest made but they are very strong.
So as others have said, when you get hands on the boat, press firmly (don't bang on it) with your palms on all areas of the hulls. The decks should feel solid, the sides will give a little depending on where you are pushing and how strong you are. But you should feel or hear any crunching sounds or any certain spot that is way softer than others.
At $600 if you find a small area of softnesss (delamination) and the rest of the boat is great, then it might still be a deal and fix the spot.
Don't even consider the boat without the daggers and boom unless you find them in advance. (Check with David Myers at
http://www.thebeachcats.com/PresailedParts if you don't find them in the classifieds here.
Let us see the pictures, if you have a Picasa web ablum just give the link. Or create an album in "Beachcats People" with your name and put them there.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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