well, reality has set in. my ancesteral homeland, my heaven on earth is counting down the hours until crude oil comes in with the tide. lately you have heard me singing the praises of pristine beaches and abundant seafood...guess we'll be eating chinese shrimp for who knows how long. good news is that it will be sometime in august before they can stop the flow...i sure am going to relish the memory of the SOS regatta this year and the tune up sail the week before...look out texas! alabama your next! and florida...where does it stop?-pensacola, destin, panama city, tampa? imagine you get in your car and drive on the interstate for 10 hours and every beach on the way is covered in crude(black gold)...this is gonna suck real bad.
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
sailing the crude coast
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brittish shores might get to smell some too...cuba, mexico, god only knows where gulf stream carries it.
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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Well then how about a mass gathering in Galveston before everything turns black? -
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I briefly (possible mistakenly) heard that they are having an issue blocking off discharge. The well is 5000 ft down and is leaking 5000 barrels a day....
NY times:
In a hastily called news conference, Rear Adm. Mary E. Landry of the Coast Guard said a scientist from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had concluded that oil is leaking at the rate of 5,000 barrels a day, not 1,000 as had been estimated. While emphasizing that the estimates are rough given that the leak is at 5,000 feet below the surface, Admiral Landry said the new estimate came from observations made in flights over the slick, studying the trajectory of the spill and other variables. -
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There's an even bigger atrocity to address here. You stole my avatar. -
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And I was about to comment how nice the avatar was.
This is a scary situation with the entire gulf coast in jeapardy. I also hear the flow out of the well may continue for weeks before they get it stopped.
‘92 H18 w/SX wings
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months~ not weeks, the solutions at hand are
1. burn off the surface oil
2. they are working on an umbrella to help catch what floats up but that will take over a month to create
3. drill more holes to reduce some of the pressure on the holes (3) that are currently seeping (slowing down the release).
none of those plans stop the leakage
thats cause it's a Mystere :)
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I am wondering what this will do to the recent announcement to increase drilling off the southeast coast, I imagine, this is a huge hiccup in that plan.
And on the other hand, it put some steam in the plan to build the proposed wind-farms off of Massachusetts and on Lake Erie.
Energy policy in action, no? -
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its ironic that just the other day i was listening to someone fighting the wind farm in nantucket and now its seems silly to be worried about that. its like a wake before the actual death down here, people are going to the coast to look at it one more time and get the last of the shrimp and oysters...lots of praying, it is the bible belt. the women are really concerned for the animals naturally...i would take 10 katrinas over this any day...at least with katrina it sparked a building boom and all the sealife came back with a vengence...we get hurricanes in spades anyways...i still can't even believe its about to happen.
oh yeah, correct headhunter...until i figure out how to download my own, someones was getting ganked and yours was the coolest...many thanks...bill
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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Hey don't be an avatar thief!
It's so easy to have your own. Take a look at this thread.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
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thanks damon and headhunter, my appologies, i'm a simple caveman and this modern world perplexes me...
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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I called in sick the day Phil Hartman died. I called my boss, another Phil fan and my future wife, and reported the news. I remember Phil's passing like earthquakes, tornados, John Lennon's and Joe Strummer's deaths. He was just a simple caveman.
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the world was a better place with phil in it...no one did frank sinatra better!
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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I feel your pain. Though I'm a long ways away from those beaches, I grew up in oil country, Southern Alberta, Canada. For those who have never dealt with "crude", it is worse, much worse than the term "oil spill" would imply.
It can't be wiped, or easily washed off. Think of the last time you climbed up on a roof with a bucket of roofing tar to fix a loose shingle. No matter how careful you were some of the black goo stuck to you hands, clothes, soles of your shoes. That is the reality of crude.
Years ago we were in the Turks & Caicos, there had been a crude spill from a passing tanker. There were small bits of it washing up on the beaches. Stepping on one required a good wiping with nail polish remover, or alcohol swabs.
Our newspaper showed a map with the size of the slick, this is truly a disaster, much like the Exxon Valdez years ago. I hope the wind/currents can keep it out to sea, it will make the beaches unusable if it washes ashore.
Hobie 18 Magnum
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its definitely new territory for us, it makes hurricanes sound "healthy". unfortunately, marsh land is the hardest to clean up and thats where its going to start. sandy beaches are the easiest and there will be no shortage of those to clean over and over again. the atlantic blue fin tuna will be a big loser here, they spawn at the mouth of the mississippi and are already in danger due to the sushi craze. on a more selfish note, its messing up some prime cat sailing waters for the season at least. guess i'll do some lake sailing and some road tripping for clean water. i did manage to sail in 2 races and a tune up sail so at least i had that.
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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rumor mill has it its on haliburton(bad concrete); more like 6 months to contain; oil spotted of pensacola already. quick math- 200,000 gallons per day times 90 days(3 months)= 18 million gallons at least (valdese 11 mil). total could be as high as 36 mil. gallons. bp in a report to u.s. interior " no need for contingency plan as this event is highly unlikely if not impossible". ther is no plan in place for this scenario, there are well over a thousand wells operating in the gulf right now with no plan for this catastrophic "impossibility". are they drilling in your waters? do they have a plan there? its time to question authority on these matters.
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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news flash: b.p. now has produce a study saying it had a plan for a 200,000 BARREL a day(not gallons) leak...looks good on paper...i can't believe they would lie, i'm sure they will implement this plan immediately. no need to worry, they should have it cleaned up and fixed in a minute...carry on.
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bill harris
hattiesburg, mississippi
prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
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It's my understanding that on- and off-shore oil exploration rigs have blowout preventors (BOPs) which are affixed to a flange that is welded to the top of the surface casing. The BOPs have two sets of hydraulic rams; one set is used to sleal off around the pipe to keep the oil in the casing if the head caused by the drilling fluid viscosity is insufficent to hold down the formation pressure (drilling mud was usually supplied by Haliburton). The other set is employed as a last ditch effort to shear off the drill string. (I did a bit of ruffnecking in summers in the Williston Bason during undergrad to pay for school)
I checked the CNN web-site the other day and apparently the BOPs for the well we are speaking of are not functioning correctly.
Truely a tragedy; one which will effect all of us in the end.
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