Can this be used on a spinnaker? I have used them on gennakers on monohulls. [url]]
I need a cost effective method to fly this spin that is currently set up for hand release and retrieve. I already know Andrew is going say that this method is fine , which I agree Andrew. I am just looking for a safer method.
I wouldn't go with the sock. You will have a huge pile of material up high when the sail is out and it will create a huge amount of windage when 'socked'. You will have to run a line to a pulley at the tack of the pole to pull the sock down.
The windage might be fine with you, but you will never be able to right the boat with the sail in the sock.
that sock will work. you just need to hire mini-me or one of the guys from willi wonka to sit out on the end of your spin pole. simply give him the "sign" and he can pull down the sock.
In the event of a capsize he can swim out and remove the entire system
please post pics, i look forward to seeing mini-me in action
What kind of price are you looking at for the H21SE? For the money you may be better off with a snuffer system. Plus an extra set of lines for the sock...your boat will start to look like Andrew's.