Can any of you splice an eye into a 3/16" double braid? If so please tell me how. =)
I wasted 2-3 hours tonight trying, before I gave up. My needles/fids are just too big. I've had fairly decent success with 5/16" line, and not done well with 1/4, but 3/16 was just horrible.
I thought about someone (Eric maybe?) saying they used wire on small lines instead of a fid, but without detail I wasn't going to waste any more time.
Any advice would be welcome. Thanks.
Pile of Nacra parts..
3/16" DB Eye Splice
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When I was in the coast guard we didnt have much in the way of tools we would take a coat hanger and bend a piece in half and tape it over the line forming a wire fid, it was crude but effective. hope this helps ya.
Hobie 21SE Feral Cat
Upstate NY lake sailing
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i purchased the Brian Toss Splice Wand. it came with a dvd showing how to do splices on double braids. i watched it and decided i would probably prefer root canals over trying to splice double braids.
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