I am Bill from Columbus,In and I usually sail my Hobie 21SE or 16 on Lake Monroe near Bloomington,In.I started sailing on Biscayne Bay,Fl with my sunfish in the early 70's.Wild Bob(from Indy) recommended this site,so I have been checking it out lately and like it.
I am planning a small get together at Lake Monroe next weekend and have invited many of my old sailing buddies down to party with and thought that I should invite anyone from this site who lives near by to come on down with your boat and have a good time at Paynetown State Recreaction Area...Good day,Bill
Bill 404 21SE
Wanting to introduce myself...Bill 404 21 SE
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Welcome to TheBeachcats.com Bill, and thanks for the invite to the shindig on Lake Monroe, hope some of the members your way will take you up on it.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Hey Bill-
We've sailed around each other a couple of times but I've never had a chance to introduce myself.
I was in a Buccaneer 18 with a couple of young boys the last time and I think we looped around you a couple of times while you were parked off of LMSA. Your H21 is a sweet boat.
Since Jim has taken his H20 Miracle to points unknown (Indy?) we don't have many big cats at Lake Monroe Sailing Association. Down to several H16s, an H17 and one sweet A-cat (if I only weighed less than 190). My Trac 18 is still in restoration phase in pieces besides my house so I won't count it yet!
Let me know where and when you'll be down and I'll see if we can't sail over. I will admit if the weather's nice and the wind is light I'll probably be found beside my house working on the Trac 18.I only have a few more clear weekends before soccer coaching, etc intrudes on possible repair time.
Live Life... Dave Wilcox
Bloomington, IN
Buccaneer 18 "Landlocked"
Trac18 "Scarce"
edited by: lonbordin, Aug 16, 2010 - 11:20 PM -
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Hi Dave,
We plan on getting down to Paynetown Saturday morning and spending the weekend sailing and camping.I might bring over my 16'earlier just to get both boat to the lake.
I use to keep my 21' at your club,but Rita figured out that I could repair or fabricate about anything she needed and I spent too much time helping out the club instead of sailing.Beside,you don't really have a beach at the club and I never liked the shore there.I did talk with John C. from your club and he and I are old friends and he is going to come on over to visit too.
See you on the water...Bill
Bill 404 21SE
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Yeah it can be hard to say no to Rita but I can't complain as she's yet to say no to me either.
The lack of a beach has vexed me as well as it does others... I need to look into the options there... I have a couple of radical ideas. I'm not giving up on the idea of a beach there. I'm stubborn that way.
Hope to see you on the water! -
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Sometime ago the Department of Natural Resources tried to get LMSA to take over the Mooreville ramp, that large parking lot and it's associated property.Perhaps in this time of state funding shortages,this responsibility could be transferred to LMSA and the club could build a beach area somewhat easier there.With the lake in at it's present level,one could envision a proper future beach area....Bill 404 21SE
Bill 404 21SE
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I had no idea... really? The point is already a sandy beach for the most part which is what one needs to start. I need to catch-up on my LMSA history and think about participating on their board. The big fat keel boat centric mentality needs to have some counterbalance. It is hard to believe that at one time they had such a large and active Thistle fleet... I think there are two there today. -
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My brother Rob use to sail his Thistle there,a black one called the "Good and Plenty".he also had a 25 Catalina too.We had many family get together there that I remember well.LMSA is a good club and leaving my 21SE set up on it's trailer there saved me an hour of set up time.But my buddies all sailed out of Paynetown and that where to party always ended up at.Some weekends we would have 8 to 10 Hobie sailing off the beach there.My old friend John C. from your club is one of my sailing buddies from the 80's.He would be the one to help you move forward with a beach plan.His 16' Hobie sits in dry storage there...
Bill 404 21SE
Bill 404 21SE
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If you're talking about the current Vice Commodore I've talked to him a good bit about getting small boat racing going at LMSA and I've raced him in the small boat series this summer. My son was really digging the bread he made and the cheese he had at the last race that we didn't race due to weather.
There's a few H16s, other than his, sitting and rotting at LMSA. One's obviously a race setup that's sitting under many layers of plastic... actually there are an amazing amount of boats there period that are just rotting.
Hoping there's wind and I see you on the lake! -
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Hey Bill-
The winds were very nice today. I didn't see your H21 out there... I did see a H16 & H18. I sailed by... but I didn't want to stop, at that time, as I've been sailing so little lately. I was having too much fun. I thought I'd be able to catch-up later. I saw the H16 & H18 go up a cove by Paynetown but when I finally made it over I realized by the time I made it up the cove, said hi, made it back to LMSA and packed everything away. I would be really late for making a 6pm dinner date, sorry!
I might be able to squeeze some time tomorrow... not sure right now.
There were two "new" H18's with wings parked at LMSA today!!! That makes 4-H16s, 1-H17, 2-H18s, Soon to be my Trac18 and one A-Cat. I wonder how many more and we'll have a critical mass of catamarans?!
If you want to contact me off the forum... I can be reached at l o n b o r d i n @ hot mail dot com.