Materials needed
2 inch by 8 feet piece of aluminum conduit from electrical supply.
1 2 1/2 inch stainless eye bolt.
1 large stainless shackle.
2 smaller stainless shackles.
1 old side stay.
4 stainless cable clamps.
6 inches of 1 1/2 by 1 1/2 aluminum angle.
I cut the end in this shape so that it would not rattle when sailing. When the pole is in the stowed position it fits snugly against the rod.
At the rear beam the pole is attached by a snap shackle
On the front beam at each side I put a piece of aluminum angle to attach the side stays.
The stay is one piece of cable that runs from one side of the front beam to pole about about 5 feet from the front beam and back to the other side of the front beam. The stay passes through the pole and is held in place by a cable clamp that is in side the pole.
The clamp is on the inside of the beam because clamps on the outside tend to snag on life jackets an drag you under when righting the boat.
I need to add a limiting line that would go from the rear beam to the end of the pole. The line would stop the pole from going to far forward and bending the dolphin striker rod when in the deployed position.
If you stop this video at 13 seconds you can see the pole under my boat. Take no notice of the mooning by my crew!!
edited by: skarr1, Aug 22, 2010 - 07:01 PM