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The Perfect Launch Site  Bottom

  • Another thread about launching from a ramp got me thinking about what is considered the "ideal" features of a launch site for beachcats?

    I'd like to establish a rating system, maybe a 5 star system where 5 stars is ideal and 1 means "possible, but a big hassle".

    To me, some of the ingredients of the ideal launch site are

    • Being able to back the trailer directly to where it will be launched from the beach.

    • Free parking within sight of where you launch.

    • No obstructions between shore where you launch and open water.

    • Other Ideas?

    I'd like some ideas on a best-to-worst rating system for launch sites by description also. Here's a start.

    • Able to drop the boat directly on the beach and sail away, no wheels necessary.

    • Able to roll the boat on beach wheels down to the water from parking with some effort.

    • Launching from a ramp where there is a sand beach next to it available for rigging.

    • Launching from a ramp where you will have to use a dock, but has a clear path to open water.

    • Launching from a ramp in a marina where several turns or long distance makes it impossible to sail to open water.

    Please share your thoughts and ideas about features and structures that make up a good or bad place to launch.

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

    Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
  • Damon-

    Slope of beach.
    Composition of beach (rock, sand, concrete, etc.)
    Depth of water.
    Prevailing winds.
    Source of fresh water.

    Off the top of my head...

    edited by: lonbordin, Aug 25, 2010 - 04:07 PM

    LIVE LIFE... Dave Wilcox
    Trac 18
    Bloomington, IN
  • Are we talking about trailer launching?

    ‘92 H18 w/SX wings
    ‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
    ‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
  • lonbordinDamon-
    Slope of beach.
    Composition of beach (rock, sand, concrete, etc.)
    Depth of water.
    Prevailing winds.
    Source of fresh water.

    Good stuff!
    I'll probably want to include info about available accommodations or camping available and how far. Probably put all that on a Google Map of the area.

    What items do you think should be included in a rating system for catamaran launch sites? Think of it like the Michelin Restaurant Guide

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

    Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
  • smfinleyAre we talking about trailer launching?

    Both, any place where you could possibly launch a beachcat. Maybe I'm wrong in my "quality order" and some people prefer ramps vs backing straight to the beach? I don't know that's why I'd like feedback.

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

    Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
  • Power lines, other overhead impediments.
    Launch Fees
    Overnight Storage?, ie, mast up?, on the beach?

    Maybe a point system...higher number of points for very good qualities we like, negative points for things that are bad for beachcats.

    For example,
    10 points for the ability to back trailer onto beach area and launch without wheels.
    -10 points for concrete only with no beach.
    5 points for Concrete ramp with adjacent beach.
    -5 points for no restroom facilities.

    Memphis, TN
    '84 Hobie 18
  • how about proximetry to food, gas, marine store, existing fleet/other cats, organized racing, bikini's, or privacy...this is a good thread!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • Damon, the problem with assigning a rating is no one will agree on what is most important. Our pilot group just went through such a survey with regards to what should be the focus of contract negotiations, ie priority 1-2-3 etc. They attempted to assign ratings. Things got pretty heated, at times I wanted to just slap them, both for infantilism, & because they didn't agree with MY views icon_lol
    I know from experience it is very difficult to do what you are proposing. I certainly don't want to discourage your attempt at a very worthwhile project, what about a major modification to the format?
    I was thinking just build a bingo chart. Down the first column would be the name, second column location,(town, GPS etc). Across the top wouold be all the features, with a "dot" or "Checkmark" to indicate if those features are available at that site. I like the dots, as they can be color coded to further define a feature.
    It would work just like a campground report. On one chart you can list hundreds of sites, with room for dozens of features. This allows the end user to see exactly what is there, & pick a spot that has the features that are important to them, thereby eliminating the subjectivity of a ratings system. Each row across (site) will be numbered in chronological order. You can then have an appendix with written notes or comments from users that is easily updated. If a particular site adds features, it is very simple to just add a dot, & perhaps a note in the appendix, without having to recalculate a "rating".
    If anyone thinks I'm full of shytte, just say so...I have thick skin icon_biggrin
    But before you say, "that peckerhead doesn't know jack schitt", consider the following;
    Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt.
    They had one son, Jack. In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The Deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.
    Against her parents objection, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.
    After being married for 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.
    Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were still living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Shitt Sherlock.

    Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.

    Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.
    The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens Wedding.
    The Schitt-Happens children were Daawg, Byrd, Hoarse and Bull.
    Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.

    So there, I do know Jack Schitt"!

    Sorry for the digression, I just came in from hanging on solo in 20 kts for an hour & a half, stayed upright, & downed a couple of large cans of Grolsch to celebrate. That is day 28 on the N5.7 since June 15, & it's my birthday tomorrow, so y'all cut me some slack! icon_biggrin

    edited by: Edchris177, Aug 25, 2010 - 07:49 PM

    Hobie 18 Magnum
    Dart 15
    Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
    Nacra 5.7
    Nacra 5.0
    Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
    Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
  • QuoteIt would work just like a campground report. On one chart you can list hundreds of sites, with room for dozens of features. This allows the end user to see exactly what is there, & pick a spot that has the features that are important to them, thereby eliminating the subjectivity of a ratings system. Each row across (site) will be numbered in chronological order. You can then have an appendix with written notes or comments from users that is easily updated. If a particular site adds features, it is very simple to just add a dot, & perhaps a note in the appendix, without having to recalculate a "rating".

    I like this. Instead of an appendix, a link to a more detailed description would be nice. They could be listed by state so you can find the ones in your area of interest.

    edited by: skarr1, Aug 25, 2010 - 08:07 PM
  • I agree with edshcitt77. List the features across the top, sites down the left and then use a dot or no dot system. No subjective scoring like sailinagin mentioned - oh that was me. Bad idea.

    Memphis, TN
    '84 Hobie 18
  • http://www.thebeachcats.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=74558&g2_add photos...

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • Does that picture count for or against that launch site? icon_razz

    ‘92 H18 w/SX wings
    ‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
    ‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
  • http://www.osyc.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=14727&g2_serialNumber=2




  • Forgot to add.... site of 2011 H18, H17, H14 and Wave Nationals... icon_smile And maybe Wave and H16 Youth Nats.
  • it counts against if you can't hold your liquer! but if you have a "mardi grass" mentality, it's for it!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • Surfside Texas 10 Mile Spot! Nearly unlimited Free parking & camping on the sandy beach with no beach crowd and the wide open Gulf to yourself you rarely see a power boat or jet ski.
  • After further review I'll add another couple of descriptives:

    -1 if a beach is overcrowded

    -10 ratio of males to females (2 guys and 0 gals = a negative rating)

    -100 if there are more PWCs than sailboats

    edited by: lonbordin, Aug 26, 2010 - 11:31 PM

    LIVE LIFE... Dave Wilcox
    Trac 18
    Bloomington, IN
  • coastratit counts against if you can't hold your liquer! but if you have a "mardi grass" mentality, it's for it!

    oat soda = sailboat fuel icon_smile

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