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  • When do you want to cleat the traveler? I was sailing this past Wednesday in Panama city Beach Fl and was wondering when I need to cleat it. It was not a very good day for me sailing, this was the third time I have ever been sailing and boy did it show. It was pretty busy out and the winds was blowing around 12-15 knots with 2-3ft swells. I had my wife and 3yo on board and all I could think about was my daughter falling off and not being able to get back to her and my wife quickly. I told my wife if she ever falls off to jump in after her and I will be back. I sailed around for probably an hour trying to get the hang going from point to point but all that happened was I got more and more pissed beacuase I could not get it right. Also I wish I could somehow flip my main sheet cleat. As of now it is pull up to cleat and down to uncleat which is a real pain when you want to cleat it and you are hanging out by the tramp straps. I ended up getting pissed and leaving the beach2 days earlier than expected and plus the jelly fish was horrible so my daughter could not get in the water. Any suggestions?

    edited by: av8erdunn, Aug 27, 2010 - 08:12 PM
  • you cleat the mainsheet when you think it is safe to do so, or convenient to do so, like when you want to adjust the jib

    think of it a bit like cruise control on your car, it's there to help you when you want it to

    having said that, i usually cleat going upwind or down wind when i can safely depower the rig in a sudden gust by just steering the boat

    sailing across the wind you can't depower by steering alone so most cat sailors avoid cleating the mainsheet then

    as to the cleating angle, pull up, down release etc. most mainsheet blocks are adjustable in angle and often the cleat arms can be taken off and reversed so the cleat releases in the opposite direction. i don't know about the getaway but have a look and see

    the key to cleating is you have to be confidently in control of the boat. it sounds as if having the wife and a non-swimming child on board was increasing your stress levels, it certainly does mine, perhaps you should spend some more time sailing solo in light winds and getting used to the boat. how to stop it etc in case someone falls off

    once you are confident by yourself seems to be a good time to invite others to come along

    i'm pretty confident on my cat now and invited a friend along last week, but man, he wouldn't shut up and it was a struggle for me to concentrate on clean tacks etc with him rabbiting on and getting tangled in the jib blocks etc:o)

    people don't realize how busy you can be silently watching the telltales, wind, waves etc. and making minute adjustments to the sails, steering etc

    edited by: erice, Aug 28, 2010 - 01:07 PM
  • av8erdunn this was the third time I have ever been sailing and boy did it show. It was pretty busy out and the winds was blowing around 12-15 knots with 2-3ft swells. I had my wife and 3yo on board and all I could think about was my daughter falling off and not being able to get back to her and my wife quickly. I told my wife if she ever falls off to jump in after her and I will be back. edited by: av8erdunn, Aug 27, 2010 - 08:12 PM

    ~~ Jeremy.... You've been sailin only 3 times??? In wind & waves like that with your wife and 3 yr old daut. ??? You should learn to sail & get the feel of the boat first before anything happens to them or anyone else that you might have on board.... I do hope you all had PFD's on (life jackets)~~ everyone should wear one... My friend had one, but didn't have it on. He's not here anymore. They found it attached to the tramp. He was a big guy & could swim like a fish, but a lung full of water changes everything.....
    Do yourself & others a favor.. wear your PFD... funerals are not fun~~~~ Learn the boat, wind, waves first... it can get rough out there real quick and you WILL have your hands full, at least you'll be thinkin of just yourself & the boat and to get back safely... Take them out in a little quieter day~~ Sail Safe & have fun ~~~

    ~ Vietnam Vet 69-71~ 17 Hobie w/big jib, ~18 Hobie mag,~DN Ice sailor,
    and other toys.......
    ~~ I live in NY state on the north shore of Oneida lake in
    Bernhards Bay. ~~~~~~
  • ericesilently watching the telltales, wind, waves etc. and making minute adjustments to the sails, steering etc

    This is sailing.

    You're not on a motorboat where you can simply move a lever forward to go faster. You have learn to be more aware of the conditions, and the skillset takes a little time to get. Don't be mad at yourself for something going wrong...I've been sailing for 27 years and things still go wrong constantly. It's OK. I think that it's overcoming the problems that pop up that make it so much fun. Let us all know how the young'n enjoyed the next sail, K?

    Repairable P18
  • Jeremy,
    The sheeting angle should be adjustable.

    On this block loosen the screw in the middle and move the cleat.

    It is more important to be able to uncleat than cleat.

    We will be at Big Lagoon over the Labor Day weekend. While I am not good enough to charge for my knowledge I would be glad to help a new sailor to the best of my ability. You can bring your boat or take a sail on mine.
    There is a pick nick area just south of the boat ramp/beach that your wife and daughter might enjoy till you get the hang of it. I think jelly fish are seasonal thing. Where they show up also depends on the currents in the gulf. We did not see any two weeks ago at PCB. Philip tells of a capsize in jelly fish. After righting the his boat, pieces of jelly fish would fall off the sails the rest of the day!!

    edited by: skarr1, Aug 28, 2010 - 08:02 AM
  • popeyez7
    av8erdunn this was the third time I have ever been sailing and boy did it show. It was pretty busy out and the winds was blowing around 12-15 knots with 2-3ft swells. I had my wife and 3yo on board and all I could think about was my daughter falling off and not being able to get back to her and my wife quickly. I told my wife if she ever falls off to jump in after her and I will be back. edited by: av8erdunn, Aug 27, 2010 - 08:12 PM

    ~~ Jeremy.... You've been sailin only 3 times??? In wind & waves like that with your wife and 3 yr old daut. ??? You should learn to sail & get the feel of the boat first before anything happens to them or anyone else that you might have on board.... I do hope you all had PFD's on (life jackets)~~ everyone should wear one... My friend had one, but didn't have it on. He's not here anymore. They found it attached to the tramp. He was a big guy & could swim like a fish, but a lung full of water changes everything.....
    Do yourself & others a favor.. wear your PFD... funerals are not fun~~~~ Learn the boat, wind, waves first... it can get rough out there real quick and you WILL have your hands full, at least you'll be thinkin of just yourself & the boat and to get back safely... Take them out in a little quieter day~~ Sail Safe & have fun ~~~

    No one ever sets foot on my boats without wearing a PFD. It doesnt matter if its my power boat or the sailboat. When we were out the conditions in the bay were not bad at all a little windy but only a slight chop. I couldnt get enough of a break from the freakin jet skis or inconsiderate boaters to tack back around and head back into the bay for a little piece so thats when it got a little hairy for me. I think next weekend we are going to go out in Mobile bay if it is calm to see how things go.
  • Jeremy, you asked when to cleat the TRAVELER, did you really mean the mainsheet?
    I cleat the traveler all the time. I do quite a bit of solo sailing (31 days since June 15)on a 2 man boat. It is very easy to be overpowered & go swimming. When the wind gets over 12 mph I easily tip it if not careful. If I'm not in the mood to right it I let the traveler out a few inches,(i'm only 170lbs). As the wind gets stronger I travel out more, but leave it cleated & hold the mainsheet uncleated. When solo on the wire, I leave the traveler sheet hanging over the hull near the rear beam. If things get a bit hairy I head up momentarily, & can reach the traveler sheet by doing a knee bend. Ease it out further, recleat, & push back out on the wire.
    If you are really brand new at sailing, pick up a couple of books, or even better take Skarr up on his offer. Someone who knows the ropes can show you in 1 hour what it will take a season & some knocks to the boat to learn. It is not rocket science, especially at the recreational level, & you will figure it out, the first few days are the toughest.

    Hobie 18 Magnum
    Dart 15
    Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
    Nacra 5.7
    Nacra 5.0
    Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
    Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
  • Edchris177Jeremy, you asked when to cleat the TRAVELER, did you really mean the mainsheet?
    I cleat the traveler all the time. I do quite a bit of solo sailing (31 days since June 15)on a 2 man boat. It is very easy to be overpowered & go swimming. When the wind gets over 12 mph I easily tip it if not careful. If I'm not in the mood to right it I let the traveler out a few inches,(i'm only 170lbs). As the wind gets stronger I travel out more, but leave it cleated & hold the mainsheet uncleated. When solo on the wire, I leave the traveler sheet hanging over the hull near the rear beam. If things get a bit hairy I head up momentarily, & can reach the traveler sheet by doing a knee bend. Ease it out further, recleat, & push back out on the wire.
    If you are really brand new at sailing, pick up a couple of books, or even better take Skarr up on his offer. Someone who knows the ropes can show you in 1 hour what it will take a season & some knocks to the boat to learn. It is not rocket science, especially at the recreational level, & you will figure it out, the first few days are the toughest.

    Yes I was meaning "when to cleat the traveler?" I am scared of tipping over by myself since the getaway is pretty hard to right by yourself from what I have heard. I am 195 lbs but still think it would be tough. I would like to practice righting it but dont really have a good place that if I could not get it I could get some help.

    I would love to take you up on the offer Skarr. Le tme make sure the old lady doesnt have plans for us already. Is Big Lagoon the place in Ocean Springs?

    Thanks for the replies.

    edited by: av8erdunn, Aug 28, 2010 - 11:17 AM
  • Between Orange Beach and Pensacola.
  • skarr1Between Orange Beach and Pensacola.

    Oh ok that may be possible.

    edited by: av8erdunn, Aug 28, 2010 - 03:35 PM
  • Google this address,
    12301 Gulf Beach Highway
    Pensacola, Florida 32507

    Park phone number
    (850) 492-1595
  • the secret spot awaits you!... come over with terry one time. training wheels are built in at the secret spot. meet us there and don't bring the wife or kid. if you don't feel confident with the boat after that, you never will. you, sir, are the captain, and deserve all the best training!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • coastratthe secret spot awaits you!... come over with terry one time. training wheels are built in at the secret spot. meet us there and don't bring the wife or kid. if you don't feel confident with the boat after that, you never will. you, sir, are the captain, and deserve all the best training!

    When are yall going to the secret spot? I guess Terry is down right now due to hitting the oyster shoal. How much longer until he will be up and going ?
  • i thought he was going to be there today? good thing he wasn't. it rained all day, after i arrived. don't worry, the best sailing season for the secret spot is coming up! september and october are totaly sweet for cat sailing off of the mississippi coast. you get steady winds you can count on. right now is squall season. even if you don't bring your boat, i can show you how to sail any where you want to go. confidence is the key to being skipper and it happens fast! i may have to charge you a crabmeat and cheese po-boy to tell you everything i know(takes 1.5 minutes)!!!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • CoastRAT,
    How dare you try and steel my free lunch. Are your trying to be as big a know it all as Philip and Andrew. You have a long ways to go to reach my level of confidence. I don't think you know near as much as me and E.C.http://www.thebeachcats.com/modules/pn_bbsmile/pnimages/smilies/icon_mad.gif


  • i could teach a monkey to sail to south alabama!!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • So Jeremy,
    How was St.Andrews? I know you had trouble at the pass between Grand Lagoon and St.Andrews Bay. You should see the traffic on a weekend. Was the site OK?
  • QuoteAre your trying to be as big a know it all as Philip and Andrew.

    Pretty funny.
    Seriously, Jeremy, take them up on the offer. If it is a real hassle, leave your boat & sail with SKARR. I'm not endosing his lessons, but it sounds like he can show you the basics.
    Damon runs a tight ship here.
    I took the Canadian Yacht Assc, basic keel boating course, as a prerequisite to being able to bare boat a lead sled in the Virgin Is. I have sailed minnow fish like the Byte during the 6 months we lived in Cuba, but this forum has taught me more about Cats than anything. I would not have been able, as a noob, to purchase, resurrect, & solo a Nacra 5.7 without the help of more experienced Cat sailors.
    I may not be a new generation Facebook guy, but i can honestly say, I have never been flamed on this forum. I'm a recreational sailor, & would get my ass kicked by any novice racer, but I have gained what serves my purposes from those who have forgot more than I know. You are very lucky to have legions of sailors, here in Canada I have to search the waves for the odd Cat Man. Today in my 8 sq mile bay the traffic was 2 seadoos, 1 fisherman, 3 neighbor kids in a paddle boat, & myself.
    If I had the chance to go out with someone who knew someone who had seen a Cat, that would have been a step up from my starting point. I'm not a natural athlete, my background was math, physics & engineering, though I quit them all to take up flying. If I can learn to sail a Cat, you can too.

    edited by: Edchris177, Aug 29, 2010 - 02:21 AM

    Hobie 18 Magnum
    Dart 15
    Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
    Nacra 5.7
    Nacra 5.0
    Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
    Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap

  • skarr1So Jeremy,
    How was St.Andrews? I know you had trouble at the pass between Grand Lagoon and St.Andrews Bay. You should see the traffic on a weekend. Was the site OK?

    The site was great, I backed the boat and trailer under the low hanging branch to step the mast the only problem I had was getting it back on the trailer the only hard part was getting it back on the trailer with just me and my wife. Dang that boat is heavy. I actually have a guy that is interesteed in buying it from me. I have the chance to make about 2 grand off of it with what he is offering. I have thought about selling it and taking the profit to buy a hobie 16 or a nacra of some sort but they are not as good of a boat for a family. I could see my wife getting knocked in the head by the boom once, then she would never get on it again. Wait maybe that doesnt sound too bad. icon_lol Just kidding. I dont know what to do. All I know is I dont want to be without a boat, its too much fun.

    How dare you try and steel my free lunch. Are your trying to be as big a know it all as Philip and Andrew. You have a long ways to go to reach my level of confidence. I don't think you know near as much as me and E.C.http://www.thebeachcats.com/modules/pn_bbsmile/pnimages/smilies/icon_mad.gif


    Ok lets play nice there is enough newbie to go around. icon_lol Skarr, I think I have my wife talked into coming down next weekend. When will you be arriving? I have Friday thru Monday off. Which day is best for you? Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I may leave my boat and ride on yours if you dont mind.

  • Edchris177
    I'm not a natural athlete, my background was math, physics & engineering, though I quit them all to take up flying. If I can learn to sail a Cat, you can too.

    So you are a pilot too? How long you been flying? I get to fly on a daily basis if weather permits for my job. I am constantly having to get flight data and go on test flights for new cert. engines.

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