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Rainbow Boat Company  Bottom

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  • OK Thanks I will take it to someone. I am in Keystone Heights FL. I think there are some good people in Palatka or St Augustine isn't that far away.
  • If Anyone is interested there is an HIN Identification App in the Apple APP Store.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • The Crystal Cat was designed by my husband Barry Moore co owner of Rainbow Boats. She was designed for all sailors. How do I know this because I helped build your boat. If you would like more information and history of your boat please let us know. We also had a tent designed to cover the cockpit for great camping fun on the water ways.
  • rcatThe Crystal Cat was designed by my husband Barry Moore co owner of Rainbow Boats. She was designed for all sailors. How do I know this because I helped build your boat. If you would like more information and history of your boat please let us know. We also had a tent designed to cover the cockpit for great camping fun on the water ways.

    Thanks for stopping by! Welcome to TheBeachcats.com, could you tell us more about Rainbow boats? Was the Crystal Cat the only catamaran produced? How many were made? What years were they produced? How much did it weigh?

    Do you happen to have any of the old sales literature, brochures, assembly manuals kind of thing? I like to collect scans of those here for the next sailor who turns up with one of these.

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

    Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
  • the hull number


    usually starts with the boat maker


    then a model number


    then hull number, sometimes also the sail number


    and then a date code

    1184 = Novemebr 1984
  • Hello Rcat, Thank you very much for the response to my post about my Crystal Cat. I would greatly appreciate any information you are willing to share. I would very much like more information about the tent as well.
    How can I get in touch with you? My e-mail is hdgib1@yahoo.com
    Thank you very much.
  • Barry loved to sail cat's but I was not as an experienced sailor so he decided that he needed to come up with a family friendly cat. The idea that developed was a cat that would have a solid deck, storage and most of all a boom less sail in case I could not respond as fast as the sail. In other words no "kaboomy" on Suzy's head. We also wanted it to be as safe as possible for our children to go sailing in by them selves. Barry achieved this and more. She turned on a dime and boy could she fly through the water. The Crystal Cat was originally designed to be a day sailor but our sons wanted to be able to over night trips to the local islands. Based on that request a tent option was developed. I will have to say that our family is thrilled to know that there are still Crystal Cats out there sailing. Needless to say we would love to have one again. This is the brochure we used for boat shows. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/156234_379086288805036_100001110048900_4460878_246315658_n.jpg
  • nice background story

    thanks Suzy
  • rcatThis is the brochure we used for boat shows.

    That's great! Love hearing the story behind the design. I've added your sales sheets to the Crystal Cat album for posterity.


    Thanks very much. clap

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

    Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.

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