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peak trailer restoration  Bottom

  • Im looking for the rubber buffers on the front beam of the trailer"where the cat hulls rest ",they also are on the verticle uprites above the side marker lights. would any one know where to get them?ive done some web browseing with not much luck.
    I like the simplicity of them & would like keep the trailer the way it was,after all they've been in service for 28 years...
  • ~~ I have a set (4)..... fits on 2" crossbar Has horiz. & vert. rollers...... I would like to get rid of them.
    contact me popeyez7(at) aol(dot)com

    ~ Vietnam Vet 69-71~ 17 Hobie w/big jib, ~18 Hobie mag,~DN Ice sailor,
    and other toys.......
    ~~ I live in NY state on the north shore of Oneida lake in
    Bernhards Bay. ~~~~~~
  • Just about any shop selling boats will/should have all the rollers you need

    G-Cat 5.0
  • what im lookn' for is best described as a 2"wide x10"long rubber peice of channel shaped like this [ ,its not a "roller" just a pad or buffer secured with weather stip adhesive& some screws.the verticle pieces are the same material just shorter 2"x6".
    Most likely it comes in a huge roll & you cut it in lengths that you need.
    thanks for lookn'&takn' time to post replies.
  • check mcmaster-carr.com they have anything

    Mike Conway
    Hilton, NY
  • check this page out. has tubes( round and square) and u channels. my pick would be round to slide over the up rights.


    Mike Conway
    Hilton, NY
  • thanks, for some reason I always forget about that 4000 pg book colectn' dust on my book shelf.
  • I used 1" PVC tubing for the vertical rollers, as most rollers I found were about $8-15 + shipping x 4 = $$$$ Ouch! The PVC tubing works great and cost $2 ! Why spend the money for high friction rubber rollers? My old rubber vertical rollers left black marks on the boat.

    The verticals are just guides to keep the boat on the trailer rollers. The smooth PVC won't mar the boat finish. Initially I was concerned that when trailered the light PVC vertical tubes would be lifted up and off by the wind... but nope. One year later and they work great. I also use them for the front mast support. I'd rather spend the money on better rigging or a high quality mainsheet or jibsheet etc...

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