Hello! I just moved to the Annapolis area and brought my '85 Hobie 18 with me. Looking for places to launch & sail her, as well as places to store her with the mast up.
Any thoughts?
Chesapeake Bay, where are the beach cats?
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Hey gheniki, welcome to TheBeachcats.com, I needed to shorten your topic title. Should be some folks here from your area.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Start with the West River sailing Club WRSC in Gailsville. Good group of folks with mast-up storage. -
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There are a few of us that sail out of the Northern Neck State Parks along the Potomac !! We do trailer in though all the time. -
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Good stuff. Would like to check out both Northern Neck and West River. For Northern Neck, though, it would be good to sail with others since stepping the mast can be a difficult one man job. Do you have a system for rallying the troops on the windy days?
looks like you have a pair of H14s...... -
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A little more research on my part:
Seems that there are beach cats out on Sullivan Cove (Severn River) over in Severna Park...
Saw a couple of cats on trailers over in Oyster Harbor (drove the neighborhood in my search for a house)....
Anybody know anything about these two areas? -
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You'll find most communities in the area restrict water access to their residents only so you will most likely have to find a marina or a club to launch or for beach storage. Sandy Point State Park at the bay bridge used to allow cats to launch from one of their beaches, but I don't know if this is still available -
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We are getting more interest down on the lower Potomac. We have access to a large beach and only pay a day camping fee for access. We plan on having scheduled races this summer and access will be free. www.mdbeach.com is the address. So far we have 2 H-16, 1 P-16, 1 H-18, 1 H-20, 2 N-20's and a N 6.0na. I would like to arrange with the West River Cat's to schedule a long distance race from one river to the other. I figure it to be around 60 miles. The cool thing about mdbeach is they have tents already set up so it would be really cool to sail in and spend the night. They cook breakfast Sat and Sun mornings, and sell firewood as well as all other camping supplies. If anyone from West River reads this you should shoot me an email evansdb78@aol.com so we can start to schedule.
Daniel Evans
N I20 Miami FL
N I20, N 6.0NA, H 20, H 16 Chesapeake bay
I have a hard time passing up a good deal on a big cat.
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Gheniki.... Yeah I had a couple of 14 Turbos....down to one turbo and a SuperCat 15 now. The group of folks we sail with have G-Cats, Prindals and Hobies.....Nothing above a 20 footer though. We meet off the Potomac at Westmoreland State Park, Belle Isle State Park. We all pitch in and help were we can and who needs it. -
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EvansDB78..... Were you down at the Hataras Regatta last year ?? I was the one with the camper on the Toyota SR5. Had a H14T with me. I was trying to catch up with you if so. -
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H14Tav8or no wasn't me, I was down there but didn't have a boat. I'm not sure where in Westmoreland you're referring to but we sail off St. George Island which is across from Westmoreland Co Va. I race in the Kinsale Regattas and Gov. Cup but not on Cats. May do the down the Bay race this year as well. I know a guy named KC who has a Prindle 18 out of Plantation in Va.
Daniel Evans
N I20 Miami FL
N I20, N 6.0NA, H 20, H 16 Chesapeake bay
I have a hard time passing up a good deal on a big cat.
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Gheniki, you're welcome to join me on my Prindle 18 this season if you're interested. My son and/or wife join my once in a while, but my friends around my age (52) are wusses and would rather enjoy wine and cheese on big slow mono haul so I find myself sailing solo fairly often. I deviate somewhat from the norm, paint the hulls with bottom paint, and keep my cat in the water for the season - on the Little Magothy River in Cape St. Claire. I find trailering to the ramp, stepping the mast, and rigging it once a season and the reverse in the fall is plenty enough work for me. I admire those of you who luv this enough to do this every time you sail. I normally stay fairly close to home - up the (big) Magothy and out in the bay toward Annapolis. -
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Excellent. You got a deal.
How do you like the Magothy? I have been looking for houses and I keep gravitating toward the ones with water access to the Magothy. Seems like the best of the area rivers - flows west to east and is very wide, so you aren't constantly tacking and you can take advantage of the typical windpattern (which I assume comes out of the NW).......
.....and the cargo ships continue up the bay to the patapsco!
I have an 85 Hobie 18 magnum... not the fastest of crafts but serviceable. -
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Send me an email sometime with your contact info - amueller@af.umaryland.edu -
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Just saw your post and sorry I am responding so late. I sail on the Chesapeake our of Podicory Point Marina which just down the bay from the mouth of the Magothy and just before Sandy Point State Park. They allow you to keep the boat on the beach with the mast up. They even have a electric winch to help you pull you cat up the small incline on the beach. Go to Google earth and you can find the marina and even see the beachcats on the beach (about 20 of them although I've only seen six or seven of them out sailing. Wind at this location is much better than Sullivan's Cove. I used to sail a Force Five there when in my late teens. Also you can't get a slip at Sullivan's Cove unless you are a member of the Olde Severna Park Community. Love to talk more. Email me your phone number or send me an email at poultonscott@aol.com.
ARC 21
Prindle 18
Annapolis, Maryland
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I would like to rejuvenate this thread. It is now July 2020 ... are those still viable spots? Anything new? Here's what I gleaned from the thread:
West River Sailing Club
Northern NEck
Westmoreland State Park
Belle Isle State Park
Little Magothy River
Thanks! -
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Ronjon. For public access the other spot is Sandy Pt. State Park, they have designated beach for small boat launching. You will see lots of Hobies on beaches all around the Annapolis area but they are all on private property or part of a community beach that is only accessible to the residents of that community. BTW there is an active Hobie fleet in the Baltimore area and during a normal year lots of regional events, unfortunately much of that has been disrupted this year. Check out http://div11.hobieclass.com/
I live in Laurel. Feel free to send me a PM if I can help you get started. -
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If you don't mind the haul, Point Lookout SP in Southern MD is a good spot.
'82 Super Cat 15
Hull #315
Previously owned: '70 H14, '79 H16, '68 Sailmaster 26, '85 H14T
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