I've been out of sailing for a couple years. I'm thinking to get back into it, and I'm trying to decide what boat to get. I singlehand about 75% of the time, so I would prefer a boat without a jib. Also, I sail mostly in reservoirs with constantly changing water levels, so fixed centerboards are a no-no.
I've owned a Hobie 16 and a Nacra 5.7. Both boats were fun, but I couldn't stand how prone the Hobie was to pitchpoling and the 5.7 was a little big for singlehanding and the 5.7 had too much weather helm without the jib. I'm thinking a Hobie 17 might be a good option for me, but I've never sailed one so I'm not sure.
Any thoughts? Am I correct in assuming the H17 is less prone to pitchpoling than the H16? Also, how does the H17 do with two people onboard?
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Hobie 17?
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I think the H17 may be a good boat for you. Haven't sailed one but seen them with 2 people fairlyl often. Usually when I see 2 on the boat they are using a jib. If you live where it gets cold, make sure to check the wing pockets for cracks where water could have gotten in them and then frozen. Check the pockets for cracks anyways, but water will collect in the bottom of them and then freeze and break the bottom of the pocket out. Yes less prone to pitchpoling.
I am not familiar with the swing centerboard design, I am sure it is better then daggerboards in terms of damage from hitting something, but don't think they will just pop up without some damage.
‘92 H18 w/SX wings
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The H17 is an excellent boat but is very weight sensitive. Skippers over 180 need not apply, ideally under 170 lbs. Doesn't mean the boat can't be sailed with two aboard or bigger skippers, but it does a pretty good imitation of a submarine with over 200 pounds on board.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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[quote=rhuntbach]but I couldn't stand how prone the Hobie was to pitchpoling [quote] I am thinking about starting a new topic on this subject. We sail H16's all the time in gulf and I only know of one person that pitchpoled in the surf he was a new sailor and I myself only came close once in 2 years of gulf sailing in every condition possible. If you sail a H16 properly it will not pitchpole if you cant sail it properly buy the anti pitchpole device they sell for them. A hobie 16 is a great boat to single hand they also sail solo righting kits and righting buckets to help you right them.
Edited by fa1321 on Mar 15, 2011 - 07:55 AM. -
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If your really worried about pitchpoling another option would be a Prindle 16 they are great boats too! -
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That's the funniest thing I've heard in quite some time... thanks for making my day -
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The first Worrell 1000 was done on H16's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worrell_1000#Historybut I guess they pitchpoled the whole way right? Any boat can pitchpole if your crew weight is in the wrong place at the wrong time. I tired of hearing it thats all the H16 is a great boat!!! -
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The Hobie 16 is more prone to pitchpoling than any other boat I have sailed in my 35 plus years of sailing beach cats. I am not saying that it is not a good boat, but it will pitchpole faster than any other beach cat. -
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Haha... !
Tami is right (as she usally is),
H16's are prone to pitching even for the best of sailor
It is true, any boat can pitchpole with the weight in the wrong spot, or driving the bows down to hard, but the H16 is esp known to do it. I think if your skipper/crew are VERY VERY fast, and know the boat extreemly well, they can counter (save) from pitching while driving hard much of the time, but even the pros pitch the heck out of that boat.
h17's dont do well with crew period (unless skipper and crew are munchkins)
they have small centerboards that do kick up if you hit bottom, but in a cannal or reservoirs with any underwater obstructions will not be great
without a jib you may find yourself blowing tacks much more often and depending on the size of the reservoir, could be an issue.
I think the P16 is a good call. similar to the h16 but a bit more volume up front to reduce the pitcheness (reduce)
Also a gateway may be a good choice here (no boards, easy to sail, and you can hit the reservoir walls with little concen) -
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Ah c'mon... 16s aren't THAT bad...
Try a H14, downwind, waves and chop, with the jib out nice and FULL
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Last summer I pulled up to a Dad & kid on an H-17. Neither were big people, & the hull was nearly down to the water level. They really don't carry weight well.
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