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Help with NACRA 5.2 Rigging Please  Bottom

  • Thanks in advance. The boat is a 1981 NACRA 5.2. My question involves the arrows in the picture?

    Directly below the yellow arrow there are two vertical holes spaced about an inch apart. There are another two holes (hidden by the line) in the same place on the other side of the main beam.

    1) What went in these holes? If so, what do I need to do to fix it back to factory standards?

    2) Is this jam cleat supposed to be there (red arrow)? Or was it installed aftermarket? If so, what is is used for?

    3) What are the blocks (green arrows) to the left and right side of the mast used for? To bring the jib blocks forward in conjunction with the jam cleat (red arrow)?

    The NACRA manual that I have (newer edition than my boat) says that the jib sheet jam preventor shock cord should be tied to the dolphin striker.

    4) Is the jam preventor shock cord supposed to be tied to these two eyes (orange arrows) or actually to the dolphin striker?

    5) What are these eyes (orange arrows) for?

    Many thanks for the help. I looked long and hard for a 1981 NACRA 5.2 with the same hardware and was unable to find specific answers to my questions.


    Here is a pic:
  • as answered on catsailor

    1. yellow holes were for a saddle which held the over-tramp jib block wires. a 1985? factory mod. moved the mounts for those wires below the tramp and brought the wire up through slits in the tramp. your boat has been modified

    2+3. red arrowed jam cleats appear to work with the blocks at the mast base so crew can operate mainsail downhaul from either hull of boat. from factory this could only be done at mast base

    4. jib sheet jam preventer can be tied anywhere that works, that should be fine

    at .47" on this video you will see the jib jam preventer bungee tied to the over-tramp jib wire saddle http://vimeo.com/5258062

    5. looks like they are just for the jib jam preventer bungee

    nice clean looking 30yo boat!

    Edited by erice on Jun 12, 2011 - 03:54 PM.
  • Cool! Thanks for the help.


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