www.searchtempest.com is a great search engine to use to search the entire CL database, you can choose search parameters such as distance or State/City, you can include E-Bay and Amazon, and even change keyword settings. From my experience, I've used keywords such as Hobie/Prindle/catamaran/sailboat, or you can get specific such as Hobie 18. I've also come to realize that many people either cannot spell or make typo errors and use Hobby or Hobbie for Hobie, I've found many a deal using those words. And of course the biggest faux pas of them all, spelling
trailer as.....
And those of you who have to google the word "faux pas"......shame on you.
Edited by turbohobo on Jul 31, 2011 - 01:24 PM.
G-Cat 5.0