I took a mast float off of my NACRA 500 that I recently bought and heard water sloshing around when I was moving the mast around. I figured when I drilled out the rivet that held the float post on the water would all drain out. Water did drain out, but when I shake the mast I can still hear some in there. I've got the mast situated with the rivet holes down and at a downhill slope, but no more water is coming out. My next thought is to take the cap off at the top of the mast but I'm not to excited about doing that. My question is why would there be water still not draining out?
Midlands South Carolina
AHPC Viper USA 366
A Cat USA 366
Super Cat 17
Water in mast
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- Registered: Oct 31, 2010
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The mast probably has a mast plug inside, maybe just below the head, or below the mast hound, and near the base. So water could be trapped between the plugs.
I had a 1981 Hobie 18 with the same problem and I ended up taking both end castings off and using a piece of rebar and solvent to remove the deteriorating plugs and then seal all penetrations in the mast (I used 5200 at the time, probably shouldn't do that).
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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