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Hello and call for help on P16 purchase please!  Bottom

  • Hi all, my wife and I are from St.Louis and are hoping to make our first catamaran purchase. I grew up with my dad sailing hobies and prindles so that's what we've been looking for.
    I don't have any technical experience with fiberglass or anything like that so I was hoping for some insight on a particular boat we're looking at, it's a 1982 P16.
    Hopefully the pictures show up or can be clicked on for a clearer explanation of my questions.
    On the lower right hull there is a length of exposed fiberglass or maybe a patch of some sort?
    There are a few chips through the gel coat to the brown resin.
    Where the rudders mount at the back of the hulls there appears to be extra holes that are filled with silicone, are they supposed to be there or maybe indication of repair?
    And finally at the top aft end of the right hull there is an area about the size of a softball with circular light cracks in the gel coat that is a just a little soft when pressed on.
    We appreciate any insight anyone might have on this boat or anything that may help!




    http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6026/5936153372_fd1246790e_b.jpg[img]<br />
<br />


    Edited by as4me on Jul 14, 2011 - 08:15 PM.
  • My first impression is to tell you to keep looking. If this is what the general upkeep of the boat has been, there is probably much more that is not seen. Are there any soft spots or delam on the hull and decks, I would guess there is. If this is the way they took care of the boat, I imagine the sails, standing rigging, blocks and lines will look the same. There should be better boats out there. You are better off spending a little more time in your search, than several, and I mean several days, and several hundred dollars trying to get this one back in shape. I bought my first Prindle in 1979 and have been sailing, repairing, rebuilding cats since. I was also a Prindle dealer in Maui and a GCat dealer on St. Thomas. I would not buy this boat at any price, but the choice is yours.
  • as4me, is that the same P16 up for sale on Craig's List? http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/2489938697.html Definitely not worth $1500, the circular cracked area on hull deck is an indication of delamination, someone stood on that area, hence the cracks, the patch on the bottom of the hull is a poor attempt to build up the bottom where it had worn thin and the holes on the transoms, dunno. At most, I would offer them $500, otherwise just walk away. I picked up a P18 for half that price and it is in much better condition. I live in Columbia, MO, just up the road from you, get in touch with me using PM, if I can help you I will.
    Try using http://www.searchtempest to look for a cat, be prepared to travel, I had to go to Ohio for mine


    G-Cat 5.0
  • http://quadcities.craigsl….org/boa/2416544392.html

    G-Cat 5.0
  • The transom damage is from allowing the rudders to swing back an forth HARD repeatedly. My P18 suffered similar damage (although not nearly as severe) from a week in the gulf with moderate swells, variable winds, and lots of blown tacks. Having been a lake sailor primarily I did not anticipate the damage potential of the wave action while the boat was stationary and thus let the tiller go to tend to other needs while in irons. Bad plan.... 3 minutes later the beginnings of this type of damage had already occurred. As for the shoddy repair job consisting of what looks like silicone and spraypaint; this will have to be removed and replaced with new fiberglass or you will be asking for problems.
  • http://columbus.craigslist.org/boa/2460190459.html

    this is about what you should get for ~$1500
  • http://www.ksl.com/index.…4&cat=197&lpid=1&search=


    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • here is an awesome deal on a Hobie 17, ...........with wings............http://springfield.craigs….org/rvs/2471156729.html

    G-Cat 5.0
  • Thanks all for the great input. I will say that although the pictures highlight the bad, overall the boat seemed nice and clean. I almost imagined that the responses would be that all cats get that kind of wear and tear.

    turbohobo, the boat is the one on craigslist. We've also looked at a couple St.Louis area hobies which were a bit cheaper but not quite as nice which made the prindle seem like maybe the way to go.

    After looking at the links everyone provided I can see that it will be worth the time to keep looking, although the one in Davenport looks very tempting if it's still around.

    Thanks again and of course I'll most likely be looking for ongoing advice!
  • I think the one you looked at could be a good boat but I wouldn't spend that much on it.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • I don't know anything about g-cats. This one's for sale in town http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/2498188168.html

    How does something like this compare to the hobie or prindle?

  • That is a great boat at a great price, you might have to search for spare parts but I found another G-Cat on craigs list for just $200, http://bn.craigslist.org/boa/2480974257.html, and not too far away either.

    So for just under $700 you could have 2 cats, use one for spare parts, if you have the space to store them. I would offer the guy $400 cash for his G-cat, grab some trailer wheels and go get it if I were you. There is even a downloadable G-cat manual available on this website on that cat

    G-Cat 5.0
  • Here are some picks of the g-cat I looked at today. Overall it was probably the best I've looked at, however...
    Two issues I noticed were delamination I guess you'd call it at the underside edge of the top of hull in the areas where the cleats(?) hold the crossbars to the hull. There are six of these points and about four had this going on.
    Also at the bottom of the hulls on both sides the taper has worn to a flat surface for about 5'. When I looked in the drain holes there was some water in one hull but you could definitely see daylight glowing through the very bottom where they had been worn flat.

  • as4me, sorry you missed that one, would have cleaned up good, you might want to check back with seller to confirm sale of cat, those bottoms are not too bad, gelcoat has worn off and light will shine through fiberglass, but all in all, pretty good looking for 29 year old cat


    Edited by turbohobo on Jul 20, 2011 - 08:25 AM.

    G-Cat 5.0

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