Become very familiar with your rudder setup, can make the difference between a great day sailing or a miserable day. Rudder break-away tension is controlled by the rudder locking bolt located on the rudder itself, two small "ports" on rudder, 1 has the rudder locking bolt which is adjustable,

adjust bolt out as Pete says above, do this with boat on trailer, so you can adjust bolt untill break-away tension is satisfactory. Check by dropping rudder down into lock position, grab rudder from behind and pull untill it "breaks" free.
When you pull on the "rudder up" line, it lifts the lock bar that the locking bolt locks onto, located inside the rudder casing, check to see that this is operating correctly, check to see that entire rudder mechanism is operating correctly, springs not stretched, sheaves spaced correctly, up and down lines run correct, etc etc.
G-Cat 5.0