I want to remove the stock sticker graphics from my hobie. Is it okay to use a product like "goof-off" or "goo be gone" on the hulls to remove glue residue?
Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
2011 Hobie 16SE
Atlanta, GA
Removing graphics from hulls
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Check this out.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
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And this.
Damon Linkous
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Thanks for the replies. So, one post says don't use goof off, it'll remove the gelcoat while another post shows someone using goof-off to remove stripes. Is there a consensus?
Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
2011 Hobie 16SE
Atlanta, GA
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Acetone. It'll remove the goo and wont screw up your gelcoat. Just wear gloves while using it. No idea about goof off, I wouldn't risk it.
Edited by Wolfman on Jul 19, 2011 - 03:25 PM.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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There are a lot of different products in the Goof-Off line, all the ones I've seen list to be safe on Fiberglass, but read the labels.
Wear gloves and work outdoors.
Damon Linkous
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I used a heat gun... carefully. This was with the blessing of my autobody guy, Edso @ Mill City Auto, Westford Mass. Worked excellent, leaving no residual residue. Lastly I buffed out the hulls using compound and an orbital buffer. It came out like new. Edso said that it was OK to go agressive with the compound. The clear coat on your car is only two or three coats thick; begging you to be gentle and carefull with the buffer. The gel coat on the boat is the thickness of about twenty or so car coats. Have at it.
The Bone
Mass / NH
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Because the boat was new, the graphics just peeled off very easily. Didn't even leave any residue. Coolio.
Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
2011 Hobie 16SE
Atlanta, GA
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Ha, when I originally answered in this thread I didn't realize you were removing brand new decals. A little easier.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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