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  • DT,

    You are correct to pick up on the similarity between tack and jibe...essentially, they are the same in that you change the windward side of the boat (ie wind from the port side or wind from the starboard side with mainsail on opposing side)...the difference is that to make a jibe, you turn away from the wind and on a tack you turn into the wind. Skipper's preference in how to make a turn but I usually consider a jibe when heading on a broad reach or mostly down wind...tack when sailing tight to the wind. The word "tack" can also refer to which side you have to windward...usually carrying importance to right of way. Starboard tack has right of way over port tack...or "what tack are you on?...I'm on port tack" (means windward side is the port side of the boat).


    Bert Scott
    Niceville, FL
    Nacra F18
  • oh...forgot to add what might be obvious...with a jibe, there is a bigger concern with the boom swinging across the boat. a tack always seems to be non threatening...but the amount of swing and the potential of an unannounced "uncontrolled jibe" will have boom swing a long way and if the crew is not ready...well, that "boom" could live up to its name. When you jibe, just be careful. You can grab the boom or the main block before it gets a head of speed to keep it cool...but once it's rolling, it only takes a split second to hurt someone or stress the rigging.

    Bert Scott
    Niceville, FL
    Nacra F18
  • Thanks for the clarification. I can see where it would be good to say one or the other when sailing with a crew. One recognizable word to warn people what to expect when maneuvering and possibly shouting in a high wind. I probably won't talk much sailing language but I do like to know what people are saying when talking about a subject I'm interested in.

    Edited by dtfuqua on Jan 19, 2012 - 07:58 AM.
  • dtfuqua I have never been on a sail boat of any kind yet.

    Do it!
    Find a local rental place and see if they have someone willing to take you out for an afternoon. You will know immediately if you like it, and a few days later your body will tell you if you can take much more of this. I'm of a similar age and often find sore muscles I didn't know still existed after a good afternoon's ride.
    Sheet In!

    Sheet In!
    Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
    Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
    AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
    (Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
    Arizona, USA
  • Well, my local deal turned out not to be a deal. The guy turned out to be a wheeler dealer type. Talking like he was a religious person and acting like a used car salesman. The starboard hull had soft spot in front of the pylon and a real large soft spot under the edge of the trampoline that you could hear crunching sound without a lot of pressure. The same hull had waves in the side directly under the front pylon like it had a lot of flex from being run hard causing that hull to bend inwards slightly. The sails were trash. The rope had worn through the pocket it is supposed to ride in and all this was apparent without even rolling out the sails Then, on top of all that, the mast was bent sideways more than the thickness of the mast diameter. I didn't even look much at the rigging except to acknowledge there was apparently more than was needed just to rig up the boat. And it was a 79 model hull that I checked the numbers on.
    And that wasn't the worst part of the little trip. Just setting up and riding in the van wore Cathy out pretty good. I am always careful when driving with her to not accelerate too fast or hit the brakes hard so she won't have to exert herself trying to stay upright in her seat. So I won.t be doing much checking till the people that are supposed to start setting with her to give me time away from the house actually start showing up. Well, you know that old saying, "life's a bitch and then you die".
  • no worries on not using the sailing lingo....I've always thought that's what makes some folks shy away from the sport unneccesarily. On my boat, I am just fine with any words that get the job done. If anyone thinks all sailors must speak a new language before enjoying time on the water, I'd say they are snobs. Try it, and if you like it, do more and let the vocabulary fill in as needed. In fact, I'd say a higher priority before learning the terminology is to learn those right of way rules or "rules of the road"...which are not difficult. Recreational power boats should yield to beachcats (most of the time). But you'll have to work out your priority when passing or crossing with other sailing craft or large vessels limited in their maneuverability. Don't be intimidated by this. In P-cola, the bay and intercoastal will offer plenty of room for everyone to get along.

    Good Luck,

    Bert Scott
    Niceville, FL
    Nacra F18
  • You know now that you mention that I saw a complaint about a boat on CL with that same hull color. Could have been that one, a guy mentioned he drove to Pensacola and was very mislead.

    Just keep watching, now is a slow time of year. I monitor all beach cat craigslist adds in the area and have noticed its really slowed down as of late.

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • dtfuqua...i'm checking on a p-16 in panama city right now in real good shape my buddy says(he has looked at it)...and it's a whooping 300$...he is supposed to call me back tomorrow. i'll let you know if it's still available and give you the contact info if you interested. it's nice to have some cash left over for all the acessories(you know, shoes, hats, purses)...hang in there!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • Hi Coastrat. that sounds like a very good opportunity. Thank you. Yes I would be very interested. I had the fortune to get someone to set with Cathy late this afternoon and looked at the one in Milton. http://pensacola.craigslist.org/boa/2805956368.html .He was willing to lower the price considerably so I could afford to buy it but the sails were in pretty bad shape and I wouldn't have had anything left to repair/replace them so I walked on it. I probably wouldn't have bought it anyway because I saw something very odd on the deck around the front pylon. The deck was buckled like it had been bent doing a pitch pole in shallow water. I don't really know exactly about boats that much but having been an iron worker/fitter in my previous life, I can make a pretty good guess based on the evidence of the buckled deck considering what motions the craft was likely to have been going through. Besides a little waviness on the inside surface, there wasn't any other sign of an accident so it wasn't done on the trailer or in his yard. I'm mentioning this flaw in the craft wanting someone to either shoot my hypothesis down or confirm the likelihood of me being right. I'm kinda anal-retentive about needing to know things.

    This is a great place. I have never found a place where people are so supportive of a stranger (me) and willing to help out. I just don't know what to say besides thank you all.

    Edited by dtfuqua on Jan 19, 2012 - 08:27 PM.
  • big soft spots right in front of the crossbars is abouth the worst place to have them as you can imagine...cat-a-strophic failure. the wavy inner hulls useually means the cat was flipped a lot and people were standing/bouncing on them to right the boat. you can tap on the hulls all around and here soft spots because they sound hollow compared to the firm places around them. soft spots are not necessarily deal killers, as a matter of fact, you can save big bucks on the boat if you act freaked out by them. just look out for the ones right in front of the crossbar, or the size of fat kids, or as numerous as ex-husbands of elizabeth taylor...they are a simple repair that works fine...but tell the owner that you will have to bring it to the shop and get them professionally repaired before you will feel safe on it. my boat was a piece of work, 2 different hulls(one yellow, one white, a'77 and '79 models), a hand full of soft spots, keels skint through, every bolt on the rudders bent, mast is a "lefty". i did have good sails and a decent tramp along with beach wheels and a good trailor. i got by my first 2 seasons on the "antique" standing rigging(only 1 de-masting!) but i DON'T recommend you do that. i bought a new set of rigging this year from salty dog(165$ w/shipping). keep your fingers crossed on the panama city boat, he remarked on how good the sails and hulls were. you just need to hook up with someone with experience to go out with the first few times to "show you the ropes", then you will be ready to ask the next round of questions!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • I was right check this add http://pensacola.craigsli….org/boa/2810744473.html

    This guys prices are a little higher than what you seem to be looking for, but I would contact him if I were you for some leads/information.


    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • Hi Coastrat and all. Anything about the P16 in Panama City? I found a wave on craigs list there and may go look at it. I believe it says best offer but he doesn't want any low ball offers. What do ya'll think?
  • just heard back yesterday, sold...but there is a nice hobie 18 new sails ready to go 2000k but that might be out of the range. wish i could have hooked you up. waves are cool, kida fit your specs but they are a little high useually. seek and you shall find!...i'm still looking for ya!

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • Did you see the one I mentioned? http://panamacity.craigsl….org/boa/2815553259.html ? Any thoughts?
  • And yea 2K is way out of my range. This Wave is all the way at the top of my financial limits and would have to be sailed as is for quite a while if I can't get the price down some.
  • I saw that wave, its a pretty good deal. I will be in PC tomorrow. I plan to take a look at the wave, and the p16.

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • Hey dtfuqua,

    Did you see the new listing for the 5.2 Nacra in Jacksonville on here? 1K and newer sails! Good Luck

    I-20 USA-645
    Hernando, Florida
    "There's not enough rum in the drum"
  • Haven't seen it yet but will check it out. Not a real likelihood of it being right for me because the distance but I never know what circumstances will arise in my situation.

    That would be something to check out if it weren't so far from me. I can't take Cathy out for long enough to get to Jacksonville and back. I'll be stretching it to take her to Panama City if I get to make the trip.

    Edited by dtfuqua on Jan 26, 2012 - 07:08 AM.
  • bachoI saw that wave, its a pretty good deal. I will be in PC tomorrow. I plan to take a look at the wave, and the p16.

    Can you post about what you find? And if their still for sale when you leave?
  • Sure. There is an old hobie 16 just listed near you for $500

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans

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