I have thought of using scuba diving weights placed on the effected area, but my fear with that is the further damaging of the hull from a large amount of weight on the repair area before the epoxy cures.
My other idea I got from reading a couple threads on here, I just forgot which one, it is to use screws with some kind of backer inside the hull and then a thin piece of soft wood on the outside of the hull to spread the clamping pressure without distorting the shape of the hull too much.
The keels om the hulls have the usual scrapes and abrasion you could expect from being dragged over the beach several times a season. So last year I did a quick repair to them with some epoxy and fiberglass tape, it was fine to get it through the season without any more damage to the hulls but I want to do something a bit better for a more permanent repair. I was thinking of sanding off the epoxy and glass I put on last year and then getting some either 4 or 6 inch wide Kevlar tape and running a strip from the lower bow to just before the stern to reinforce the keel against the abrasion of beaching and if the boat needs to be dragged up the sand a bit to get the cat-tracks under it. (I haven't decided on whether to use the 4 or 6 inch tape because right now I am sitting in my dorm in Germany and cannot go out and measure my boat right now.)
Also the mast was bent by a previous owner and they repaired it by bending it back and taking pieces of alum. plate and bolting it to the sides of the mast with two bolts. I was thinking about maybe cutting out the damaged area of the mast and then possibly machine a piece of Aluminum tubing to go inside the mast and make some fitted Alum. pieces to go in the outside of the mast. I realize that buying a used mast would be the best and easiest option but I have not had much luck locating a used mast in my area thus far so I figured that I should come up with a "plan B" so to say.
Any advice you guys (and gals) can give me to help with the repairs and restoration of the boat would be a great help.

Lake Wylie, SC