Trampoline tension on my Hobie 16
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Hello.. I'm putting a new trampoline on my Hobie 16 and sometime back, I remember reading about someone on this site having a "T-BAR" device that uses leverage to draw the side rails in as I'm lacing the tramp. Does anyone have a link to that device? OR does anyone have advice as to EZ tricks to use to get the tramp tight. Thanks in advance. -
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I am about to use my "T Bar" today and will post some photos later. I have three tramps to stretch with new line. One of these tramp is also new.
Bill 404 21SE
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You can also use the main sheet to prebend the side bars as explained in this thread:…ewtopic.php?f=20&t=34849
Dave Wilson
Hobie 16, Hobie 14
Tampa, FL
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An old A-Flet trick that I always is to use two sets of lacing. You have to use pretty light line, 1/8" or 3 mm, lace up everything as described, down the centre just to hold, then across the back tight centre out. Then the centre tight. "Oh but if you've just laced it tight what does the second lacing do?" It's surprising when you finish the second lace how sloppy the first lace is. Then tighten that one, for the second time.
In theory I suppose then the second lace is looser so you should retighten that and then ....
Have a beer and put salve on those blisters. (Wear gloves or use a cleat on a handle.)
Have a Hobie day! -
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ratchet strap around the side bars, vice grip on the tramp line and a dowel to plug the grommet for each section. Easy and fast. Mine was super tight using this method
85 Prindle 16
"If you aint the lead dog the view never changes"
North Carolina
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The tool you are referring to is called the "Up-Tight" trampoline tightening tool kit. I got mine from Murrays.
The kit contains that "T-Bar" and two small belaying (holding) pins.
I was not able to use those belaying pins on my new Tampacat trampoline because Tampacat used #2 grommets and not #4. The #2 grommets are too small to fit both the line and the pin into the same hole. My other 16 and my 21SE both have #4 grommets and it works well on those tramps. The grommets are stamped with their # size right on the collar. I like the #4 size better.
I did use a ratchet strap around the side bars to prebend them slightly and relaxed it once my tramp was tight. After sailing a little, I will re-tighten the tramp as needed. This method will only work on a raised rack trampoline and not my 21SE with mounts directly to the hulls.
My other problem was that the 1000' roll of 1/4" black braided polyester tramp line I ordered actually measures 5/15" and not 1/4" as the roll is labeled. I was really wanting 1/4" size but I made do. So now, I will order another 1000' roll of line black braided polyester line in a 3/16" size. and see what it actually measures.
I will discuss with the manufacture the size problem as it may have been mislabeled at the factory. Either way, I do like the roll of line I have but I want a smaller size line too.
I made the mistake of pre-cutting all my tramp lines from this large roll without realizing the size was "big".
Live and learn....and smile too
Bill 404 21SE
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Water meter keys also work well, You can get a tramp REALLY tight with one.
Greenville SC
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