Believe it or not, I'm actually putting a boat together!! I have been trying to get a 5.2 togerther for a friend for over a year, but finally gave up on it--hence, the ad in the classifieds. However, out of the blue, someone just contacted me because he wanted to sell his 5.2. Weird timing.
The boat is probably the nicest 5.2 I have ever seen except for the tramp. I had a spare one, but it didn't fit. Apparently, this is the wider tramp. figures. So, I bought a new one from SloSails. I ordered the slits for the jib wires, but for the life of me, I can't remember how to set up the boat so you can adjust the position of the jib block from the other side.
I remember there was a bungee that pulled it forward, then a line that went through the eyelet on the rear beam to a jam cleat or something on the end of the beam. This boat has nothing on the rear beam except the eyelets to attach the wire. I can figure something out, but does anyone have pictures of a smart way to set it up??
Thanks in advance..
Need help with Nacra 5.2 Jib wire crap
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I'll email you some pics -- I've got one set up in my driveway atm.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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If you can photo-document the rigging setup it would be great if you would create an album in the Technical section "Nacra 5.2 Jib Rigging" or something so future 5.2 owners could benefit.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
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I know, I know...that just sounded like a lot of effort. I'll try to make a beach cats album for it tonight.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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Rob.. Please Please.. I buy U some vino if you ever get out to calif.. I have 2 5.2s that need that upgrade cuz I am soooo tired of scraping my knee on that steel line!! Cheers Hal
Hal Liske
Livermore CA
H 16 (6+ 1.. Friends) H 3.2 N 5.2 (2) H 17 (2) H-18
Nacra 5.8 (son's) H 20 (Friends)
It's a Sickness
I Need a A Cat Please
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I do get out to California, careful what you offer. =)
I made an album. It's not super thorough, but hopefully gets the point across.
5.2 jib traveler setup
The slot on a 5.2 is very tight -- too tight if you use the default jib wire locations and don't use a barberhauler. So, either use a barberhauler, or move the front eyelets (just add new ones) outward on the main beam. I put mine underneath as I run the front of the line/wire under the tramp -- the slots on the tramps are in all different locations so this is skipper's choice.
Like I've said before, I actually use a couple inches of barberhauler going upwind on the 5.2 to open the slot a bit. Otherwise they feel all powered up and go nowhere.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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I am having the same problem with figuring out how to rig the jib. I am a recent owner of a 82 5.2 and it looks like I have the "deluxe" 4-way jib system. I have an unmodified tramp with the standard cables running fore and aft. What controls the jib trim, for and aft? I looked at the pictures posted by Yurdle but they don't relate to my boat. Help! -
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on a 1982 5.2 put the jib blocks on the jib wire so they can freely run up and down the wire
then run a line from the jib block back along the jib wire to the rear beam saddle, run the line through the saddle and tie a large stopper knot so it can't pull through
Edited by erice on Jul 02, 2012 - 12:58 AM. -
- Rank: Lubber
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Yeah, right- 4 way. I have never had the guts to adjust the position of the blocks while underway.
Eric C
Force 5 project boat
Previous boat
1980 Nacra 5.2
"Double Vision"
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