I thought, This poor boat is in sad shape, and it's owner has moved away. I decided to pick it up the next day. I feel like I rescued the thing. I would like to ID the boat because the past owner says its from the late 60s. There was no trailer so getting it home was a little interesting. The poor thing was full of water too. Once I emptied the pontoons, I was able to muscle it up on my pickup.

I took my rescued friend home and started looking it over, cleaning, and taking it apart for repairs. It didn't look as bad once it was cleaned up and off those weeds.

I took the boat apart and Inspected it. The hulls are surprisingly solid with only a small soft spot per pontoon. 3/4 pylons are cracked and I will need to do lots of repairs all over. Right now It sits in pieces on the side of my house.

I have been learning and practicing my fiberglass repair skills and I await making this thing seaworthy.
Hobie cat 14 196?
Hobie cat 14 1976 Flamer
Coarsegold, CA